Chapter 37

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A week went by without a call or text from Vic. I stayed home all week, locked up in my room, drowning in self-pity. I was upset that Vic broke it off just like that, but at the same time I was a little disappointed in the fact that he didn't even support me, even though I wasn't actually even going to New York anyways.

I just wished he had taken the time to listen to me.

I stayed in my room, crying for hours. I repeated what he said to me over and over again in my head, which only made me cry more. I didn't come out of my room at all, only to go to the bathroom, but I didn't even come out to eat. Oliver however did bring me food several times a day, even Brendon who was still around tried talking to me, but I didn't say a word.

Kellin was here a lot too. Mostly for Oliver, of course, but he always worried about me and asked how I was doing. I didn't really answer though. I didn't have to. The state that I was in said enough.

I wasn't the type of person that would hurt herself. Not anymore anyways. I hadn't done that for many years. But oh boy, it was tempting.

"You- you can't just hide out in your room forever." Oliver said to me, bringing in my dinner for the day. I really wasn't hungry though. My appetite had left me entirely. I would eat a few bites of whatever it was that Oliver would bring me, just so that the empty feeling in my stomach would go away for a little while, but the rest I just left behind on the plate.

Oliver put down the tray on the table and left again with a deep sigh.

I just sat in my room, on the floor, staring to the wall in silence. That's how I was spending my days. I didn't want to feel like this anymore, I really didn't. I longed for the moments when I would just not feel anything at all.

That's why I slept a lot. It was the only time I didn't have to feel anything or face the outside world. Oliver was right of course; I couldn't hide in here forever. But it did seem like a pretty damn good idea though.

On the tenth day, I decided to get dressed and go down to the living room. That's where I found Oliver and Kellin on the couch, playing some game on the Xbox. Kellin noticed me walking in, and looked at me with heartbreaking sympathy. He put down his game controller and tugged on Oliver's shirt, making him look at me too.

"Hey sis, how are you doing? It's good to see you out of your room." He spoke so carefully, like he was scared that he would break me if he spoke too loud or said too much.

I tried to smile a little, but to no avail. Kellin got up and walked over to me, pulling me into a tight hug. "I think I want to go back to campus." I mumbled, trying to hold back the tears as I hugged him back.

He pulled away and faced me. "Are you sure?" He gently asked. I simply nodded. Fuck, I was trying so hard not to cry again. "Okay then, let's go back."

Oliver drove us back to campus in silence. And I was feeling more nervous the closer we got. I really didn't want to talk to anyone about what happened. Then again, something told me that everyone probably already knew.

Luckily it was pretty late, way past school hours and almost nighttime, so there weren't many people around. Most of them had already retreated to their dorms. That, however, made me really scared of what I was going to run into at my own dorm. Or more like, whom I was going to run into.

I was scared of seeing Vic again. I really was.

I took a deep breath and fought back the tears as I walked into my room. But to my surprise, and somewhat of a relief, only Tony was there. He greeted me with a soft smile. But of course he knew.

"Hey, welcome back." He said with sympathy laced in his voice.

"Look, if you're going to hate me, please just get it over with." I blurted out for some reason.

Tony frowned questioningly. "Why would I hate you?" He asked.

"Vic hates me, so why wouldn't you? You're friends- room mates." I simply stated.

"Well he doesn't hate you and... we're not room mates anymore."

"Yeah, we need to tell you something." Kellin then intervened. I looked back at him questioningly, waiting for him to go on. "Vic came to me blurting something about you leaving and not wanting to be there when you did, so he asked me to switch rooms with him. I already switched earlier this year to get rid of Hillary, so he's living with Jaime and Justin- until you leave."

"But I'm not-" I didn't finish my sentence. There wasn't even a point in defending myself anymore. Vic had made his choice. I looked down at the ground and sighed. "I understand."

But really, I didn't. I didn't want to understand.

So much for Vic not hating me though. He didn't even want to be around me.

And I just knew that going back to my classes was going to be horrible. I shared so many of them with Vic. I was going to have to face him at some point. Whether I wanted to or not.

That next morning I was running late for my class. I ran down the hallway, bolting past all of the people to get to the classroom. I had music class. One of the many classes I shared with Vic. I wasn't looking forward to it, but I had to move on and live my life. I didn't want to move on from Vic though. Not yet, I just couldn't.

I stumbled into the classroom, half out of breath, and all eyes were on me. "How nice of you to join us." My teacher, Mister Pitts said. And he meant it kindly. "I'm glad you're here miss Sykes, because we need you today."

"N-need me?" I stuttered anxiously, not daring to look further into the classroom.

"Yes, we want to discuss how well you did on the duet assignment with mister Quinn. Perhaps, if we know your ways, it can help the rest of the students progress."

I spotted Kellin already sitting at the piano from the corner of my eyes. He looked at me with a halfhearted smile, still laced with sympathy. I was starting to hate that look. Everyone who knew me gave me that look.

"Well sit down with mister Quinn and sing it for us, so we can break it down." Mister Pitts urged.

I nodded quickly and went to sit down on a chair beside the piano, still keeping my eyes down. Kellin began to play the notes on the piano. A while ago we had switched the parts that we sang because Kellin was under the impression that I did those parts better than him, so I took a deep breath and waited for my queue.

Keep it together Chels, I kept repeating in my head.

There was my queue. "I'd give up forever to touch you—'cause I know that you feel me somehow—you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be—and I don't wanna go home right now." I took a deep breath again, trying my best not to break down in tears. The lyrics... all I could think about was Vic. And it hurt. It hurt so much. "And all I can taste is this moment—and all I can breathe is your life." That's when the tears starting rolling down my cheeks. My voice cracked as I sang the words, and I could feel my heart breaking all over. "When s-sooner or l-later it's over—I just don't wanna m-miss you to-tonight."

I couldn't do this.

I looked up, regrettably presenting my tear stained face to the entire class as I met Vic's gaze. His eyes were glued on me. They had been for a while, I could just feel it. But I didn't recognize the look on his face. I had never seen that look before.

I shot up off the chair and ran out of the classroom, breaking down completely around the corner of the hall.

That fucking song!

I could hear the classroom door open and close again between my sobs. "Shit, I'm so sorry, I should've said something." It was Kellin. He came up to me and took me into his arms, triggering an even bigger wave of tears.

"I can't do this, Kells. I can't. I love him. I just can't." I choked out.

Kellin shushed me gently as he rubbed my back. "You're gonna be just fine, Chels. You're gonna be fine, I promise. You'll get through this."

I didn't want to get through this though. I just wanted Vic back.

That's all I wanted.

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