Chapter 40

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"My head." I whined painfully as I ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm never, ever drinking again."

"You say that every day. And then every night, you're drinking again." Oliver simply pointed out.

"This time I mean it." I grumbled as I squinted my eyes, desperately trying to get adjusted to the bright sunlight that was peaking through the kitchen blinds.

"Sure you do." Oliver came up to me and handed me a glass of water and an aspirin. Just like he did every day. Aspirins didn't do shit though. The only thing that ever really helped me get rid of the hangover headache was that disgusting drink that Vic had given me that one time. That, and continuing to drink helped too.

Here I was thinking about him again. I remembered how he took care of me that morning after that stupid bonfire party on campus. I remembered how he reacted when he thought I had kissed Andy. It was funny, to be honest, to see him a little jealous. I sighed deeply and threw the aspirin into my mouth, chugging down the water with it.

Every little damn thing reminded me of him.

After taking a long, hot shower to try and calm down my muscles, I got dressed and decided to go for a walk. When I walked out of the front door, the mailman greeted me. "Good morning, Mrs. Sykes."

I snickered softly. Did I look like a married woman? I think not.

He simply handed me the mail with a smile and walked off. I looked down at the small pile and went through it. "Bills... bills... Fashion valley bullshit... more bills... Mayflower School of the—" I gasped in shock, unable to finish my sentence.

Oh my god. This was it.

I immediately ripped open the letter and scanned it thoroughly. "Miss Sykes-" I read out loud. "We hereby want to congratulate you for being accepted into the New York Mayflower School of Performing Arts. You and thirteen other students have been selected to start the course at our pristine school in early August. You are expected to be present on August third for a fun and educational introduction day." There were a whole bunch of other things written in the letter too, but that didn't matter right now.

I was in.

They had accepted me.

Oh my god.

This was it; I was going to New York.

The first thing that came to mind was calling the only other person I was really going to know out there. And it wasn't Matty. Nope, it was Andy. It even said in the letter that he was going to be in my class, and it was kind of a relief knowing that someone familiar was going to be around.

I called him and basically asked him to meet me at the diner across campus for some lunch. It was a nice place, one of my favorites, and I assumed he would be at campus anyways. I should have been too, but during my drinking binge and keeping up my act of not caring, I had stayed at home.

"So, what is this about?" Andy asked curiously, just after we ordered some food and drinks. "I mean, thanks for the lunch, but you know, why?"

I chuckled a little and simply handed him the letter I had gotten that morning. He read it quickly and then smiled. "You got in! That's amazing, I'm really happy for you."

"And, we're in the same class." I pointed out as I took the letter back from him. "So I was thinking... since we'll obviously be moving there... I know this guy there who can help us get an apartment. He apparently knows a lot of people around there, so we have a pretty good chance at—"

"We?" Andy asked, interrupting me as he raised both of his eyebrows questioningly.

"Well, yeah, I mean- You know, I kinda figured, since we don't know anybody else around there, and New York is fucking expensive and all that... I just thought, maybe it'd be cool to get like an apartment together. You know, have some friendly and familiar company... split the bills... all that stuff. Never mind it's a stupid idea." I was obviously rambling now. I felt stupid and it made me blush which was even more stupid.

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