Chapter 24

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That next morning I woke up from my natural slumber. I slowly opened my eyes, and almost freaked when I didn't recognize my own bedroom wall... until I realized where I had been that night.

Vic's bedroom. Right. Of course.

I sat up and looked around, spotting Vic sleeping on his beanbag seat in the corner of the room. The book that he had been reading the night before was on his chest and the dim desk light that stood beside him was still on. I giggled softly. He obviously fell asleep while reading. It was kind of adorable. I sat there staring at him for a few minutes, until I realized that I was being creepy. 

I looked over at the clock; it said 8:04 am. Good. Time to leave.

I got out of bed and dressed myself properly again. Or at least, as proper as one could look wearing last night's clothes. I grabbed the blanket that hung over the headboard of Vic's bed and tiptoed over to him. As quietly as I could, I took the book off his chest, placing it on the desk, and threw the blanket on top of him.

"Thanks." I whispered and softly kissed him on the cheek. When I pulled away I gasped. Shit! I had been wearing lipstick... and now I left a mark on his cheek with it. Damnit. I sighed softly and left the room, tiptoeing quietly down the stairs.

I wanted to get out of here before anyone- 

"Well look at who stayed the night." Mike's voice then called out, right as I passed the kitchen. Crap. I stopped dead in my tracks, looked to my right and found him and his mother cleaning the place.

"And who is this pretty girl, Michael?" His mother asked as she smiled softly at me.

"Oh her?" Mike started. "Well mama, that's the girl Vic just cannot shut up about." A massive grin was plastered on his face as he spoke the words. And instantly I felt a mad blush creep up to my cheeks. Vic can't what now?

"I-I should probably go-" I muttered as I weakly pointed at the front door.

"Oh Heaven's no! Have breakfast with us, I insist. Anyone who makes my son happy, I consider family." I looked at Mike nervously, feeling my cheeks growing hotter by the second. "Chelsea, isn't it? Come sit down with us."

Oh god. She knew my name already. I really wondered at this point what it was that Vic had said about me. I threw Mike a quick glare as I walked into the kitchen and hesitantly sat down at the table. He just kept grinning and leaned back against the counter as he folded his arms.

"Would you like some coffee? My name is Vivian, by the way. It's so nice to meet you!"

"S-sure." I stuttered. "It's nice to meet you too."

Mike laughed. He was obviously amused by how this was going. Me on the other hand, not so much. Vivian poured two cups of coffee and sat down beside me. She was very sweet and welcoming, but it honestly didn't make me any less nervous.

She sipped her coffee, and between every sip she would talk about how great it was to see Vic happy again. She went on about how he used to mope around a lot and how grateful she was that he had found someone who changed that. I didn't register half of what she said as I stared down at my cup of coffee, lost in the thought of wanting to get out of here.

I didn't even know what Vic and I were, if we were anything to begin with, and I didn't want to give her the wrong idea by being here.

"Oh good morning, darling!" Vivian called out, pulling me out of my thoughts. I turned to look over my shoulder, watching as Vic walked into the kitchen, still looking sleepy. "Sleep well, did you?" His mother asked.

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