Chapter 7

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"I'd give up forever to touch you—'cause I know that you feel me somehow—you're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be—and I don't wanna go home right now. And all I can taste is this moment—and all I can breathe is your life—when sooner or later it's over—I just don't wanna miss you tonight. Alright, together now Chels."

I cleared my throat and started singing with Kellin. "And I don't want the world to see me—'cause I don't think that they'd understand—when everything's made to be broken—I just want you to know who I am."

"Okay just you now." Kellin then told me, continuing to play the keys.

"And you can't find the tears that ain't coming—or the moment of truth in your lies—when everything feels like the movies—yeah, you bleed just to know you're alive."

I was set and ready to get into the chorus again, when Kellin suddenly stopped playing the piano and turned towards me with a bright smile on his face. "That was perfect, Chels." He told me. "We make a good team. I love how you drag out some of the last words, makes it really powerful and emotional. I'm gonna try that too."

I blushed a little at his compliment. No one had ever complimented my singing before, not even my own family. It was their opinion that I didn't need praising so that I wouldn't feel pressured to do even better. Weird logic, but it worked for them.

"If we keep this up, we're definitely gonna win." Kellin then beamed with pride.

Yeah, fantastic- it would mean that I'd have to perform in front of the entire fucking school, what a dream come true. Not.

"Let's practice again same time next week, alright? We'll do the entire song and see how it goes. Unless of course, you need to report to Mrs. Sterling again?"

Kellin grinned at his own joke and I just laughed and shook my head. "Not planning on it, so yeah next week it is." I simply told him.

We both packed our things and headed out of the classroom, where Ashley and Hayley were already waiting for me. Right, we were going to catch a movie together. "See you next week, Chels." Kellin said with a smile as he waved and walked off.

"See ya, Kells." I mumbled hesitantly as I waved back, earning death glares from some of the girls that walked by.

"Chels? Kells?" Ash then started. "So... you and Kellin, eh?" She added with a mad grin as she nudged me in the side.  

I turned back towards her on my heels and frowned. "Hell no. We're just friends. He thinks I'm cool because I'm not all over him like everybody else, that's all." I simply stated.

Hayley's face turned red and she looked kinda sad. "Oh, I'm sorry Hay! I didn't mean it like that." God that was a stupid comment, I knew how much she truly did like Kellin, not like the other girls who honestly just wanted to get fucked by him. Sorry for my bluntness. But Hayley's face didn't change after my apology. "Come on, I really am sorry. Please cheer up?"

Ash rolled her eyes at Hayley but instead I just put my arm around her shoulder. "I know you're not like the other girls. He doesn't find you annoying. Believe me, I'll mention you to him sometime okay? Forgive me, Hayley-bayley-willi-nilli? Please?"

My annoyingly cute nickname would usually cheer her up, and luckily this time it did too. "Alright, fine!" She said, smiling again. "Just be subtle okay? If he does end up finding me annoying, I'm blaming you! Promise you'll be subtle?"

"Oh you know I'm the queen of subtleness!" I boomed happily as I tightened my grip on her shoulder. Ash busted out laughing, the most sarcastic laugh leaving her throat and I just rolled my eyes. "Cross my heart and hope to die, okay Hay? I promise. Now let's go see that movie."

"What're we going to see anyways?" Ash then asked as we started walking down the halls and towards the school's doors.

"Insurgent!" Hayley and I both sang excitedly.

Luckily Ashley had a car but she didn't feel like driving, so it was up to me. We drove into the city, blasting music and basically screaming along to our favorite songs on our way there. I parked the car near the cinema and we all hopped out. "We're getting snacks, right?" Hayley then asked.

"Of course we're getting snacks. What's a movie without some good grub?" I told her as I chuckled and looked back at her.

"Well, well, well... who do we have here?" Ronnie's all too familiar voice called out. I snapped my head back and watched him, Andy, Chris, Bryan and the new guy Danny walking our way. "Going to see a movie?" He asked.

"Yep, we are." Ashley then mentioned, smiling sweetly and throwing a wink in Chris's direction.

"Cool, so are we. Wanna catch a drink after?"

"No thanks." I muttered, not even having to think about his suggestion. "I can't because... well, I'm not that much of a drinker plus I'm driving." I told him as I jingled the car keys in front of his face.

"Yeah, they're making me drive too." Andy then pointed out as he laughed.

"Great fun, isn't it? Having to be the designated driver while everyone else gets wasted." I stated mockingly, eyeing all of the guys, knowing how much they drank. Ashley did too, honestly. Like a camel. 

Andy just smiled and nodded in agreement.

"Oh please, go whine to your mommies you two." Ronnie complained.

"She has a point, though." Andy then defended, earning a punch in the shoulder for his comment. I chuckled a little and shook my head.

"Well let's get to our movie. Maybe next time, boys." Ashley then told them as she grabbed Hayley and me by the arms and dragged us inside. "My first time making a move on Chris is not going to be while I'm wasted." She then muttered softly as we walked to the snacks.

Hayley and I both giggled at her statement as we grabbed some popcorn and a drink. "How awfully adult of you, Ash." I told her in a mocking tone. She instantly glared at me but then laughed anyways.

We didn't see the guys again that night. They probably went to see a completely different movie than we did and must've left straight after. But then again, so did we. It was fun to have a girl's night out again. I never saw either of them during the summer, mostly because they went on vacation and I stayed behind.

When I got back to my dorm room I went straight to bed. To my surprise, both Vic and Tony were already sound asleep as well. Tony was a quiet sleeper, but Vic tended to let out soft highly pitched moans whenever he rolled over. 

They were kinda cute to be honest. In a total platonic way. 

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