Chapter 21

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"Not going home for the weekend, Chelsea?" Tony asked as he came up to me.

I looked up from my book and shook my head. "No, I've got studying to do and I can't do that at home." That was half of the truth, anyways. Tony nodded and greeted Mike and Vic who were on the couch playing Mario Kart.

"You've been a little quiet for the past two days." He then pointed out as he turned back to me.

I chuckled softly. "Says the always quiet one." I simply retorted. He shrugged knowingly and set a box down on top of my book. It was a white carton box with a red bow wrapped around it. A small card hung from the bow with my name written on it. "Uh- Turtle, what's this?" I asked.

"Don't know." He simply told me. "It was in front of the door when I arrived, it has your name on it so I figured it's for you."

For... me? Who would leave something at the door for me? I pulled the bow off the box and opened it up, being greeted by the smell of chocolate. It was a box of... chocolate and crushed almond covered strawberries? I frowned questioningly and grabbed the note that lay on top. 

"Dear Chelsea..." I read out loud. "I know you said no the first time, perhaps you were shy, but I really want to take you out on a date. I really like you, and you may not realize it, but you're perfect for me. Anyways, there's a little place in town where they have delicious treats just like these, and that's where I'd like to take you. Will you accept this time? Love, AB."

"Andy?" I heard Mike ask. I looked up at him and saw that I had both caught his and Vic's attention by now. As soon as Mike had spoken the name, he cautiously glanced over at his brother.

"Well isn't he sweet." Tony observed, grabbing one of the strawberries from the box and eating it. "Oh god these are good." He then added with wide eyes and a satisfied groan.

I frowned and pushed the box towards him. "You can have them." I muttered darkly. I then scrunched the note into a ball and threw it in the trash. Perfect for him, my ass. He obviously doesn't even know me.

Tony ate yet another strawberry and looked at me, confused. "What's the deal? This is kinda romantic." He pointed out. "Why won't you go out with him?"

"Yeah Chelsea, why won't you go out with him?" Mike repeated mockingly while he laughed a little. I looked at him skeptically, just as I saw Vic glaring at him and subtly elbowing him in the stomach. It didn't stop Mike from laughing though.

Vic frowned for a moment, and then his face relaxed again. "Aren't- aren't you like seriously allergic to tree nuts and stuff?" He then asked. 

And that was exactly my point. How could Andy claim that I was perfect for him while he obviously didn't even know the first thing about me? His gesture was sweet and all, but it could've killed me- literally. But then how did Vic know anyways? Well- I figured he must've seen my emergency epinephrine shots in the bathroom.

"And strawberries too, although those won't kill me." I pointed out dismissively.

"You really don't want them?" Tony then asked, holding the box in front of my face, waving it left and right. They smelled great, but I really couldn't have them, for quite obvious reasons.

I stared up at him skeptically. "The day I decide that being around you guys is too much to handle and I want to kill myself, I'll come and get them." I told him in a warning tone. Tony just chuckled and put the box back down on the corner of the table.

"So snappy." Mike joked before getting up. "Right well, let's go to Jaime's. We were supposed to meet up for band practice like half an hour ago." He then announced. And within minutes, they were ready to up and leave. Good- I needed some time on my own.

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