Chapter 12

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"Christ, it's just a bonfire party, girl. Everyone is gonna get so wasted, no one's even gonna remember what you look like. Come on out already!" Ashley complained while I was throwing some product into my hair after curling it.

It may have been only a campus party, but I wanted to look nice. What was so wrong with that? And I wasn't planning on getting wasted anyways. I had dressed myself in some black fake leather tights, a red long tanktop, a black see-through button shirt to go over the red tank, and a pair of black vans. I left my make-up quite casual and put some curls into my hair.

"Fuck, Chelsea, are you done yet?!" Ashley yelled, ever so impatiently. I finished up and made my way out of the bathroom, but she hadn't stopped ranting. "You're taking longer than I usually do. What are you even- oh my-" Her jaw had dropped as she stopped mid-sentence and looked at me. "Who the fuck are you trying to impress?"

I furrowed my brows and crossed my arms. "No one." I flat out told her.

Vic then walked by, completely fixated on his phone. Ashley blindly scrambled her arms around, grabbing him by the shoulders and turning him towards me without taking her own eyes off me in the process. He finally broke away from his phone and looked at Ashley. "What's your problem?" He bluntly asked her.

Without a word, she grabbed Vic by the chin and made his face turn towards me. His mouth fell open instantly as he finally looked at me. "Damn." He breathed in slight shock. I just rolled my eyes and unfolded my arms again. "Who knew you could look like a total babe?"

Yeah fucking right. "Let's go, shall we?" I simply muttered.

"Finally!" Ash exclaimed as she threw her hands in the air.

She immediately stormed out of the dorm room, way too excited to drink, obviously. "Go on, mi Hermosa- ladies first." Vic gestured towards the door. I chuckled a little and walked out. Him and his bipolar habit of switching between calling me chubby and beautiful somehow seemed to become less annoying over time.

It was already pitch dark outside. Ronnie, Andy and Danny were busy trying to get the bonfire going as the rest of the people on campus started to gather around. Tables were set out with snacks and multiple kegs had been placed around the area with enormous stacks of red cups next to them.

Music eventually started booming and the fire lit up at least 3 feet up into the sky. Cheers echoed around what was left of the burned down dorm and onto the grounds of campus. People started dancing and having a good time and for a moment I wondered what I was even doing here.

Hayley hadn't come, she felt sick so she stayed in bed. No way one could sleep with all of this ruckus though. Ashley got us both a beer and then went off to bug the hell out of Chris. He totally loved it though. They were so obviously into each other by now; I wondered why they didn't just hook up already.

"You can do better than that." Vic's brother Mike challenged me later on in the night as I had drank only about five beers or so.

I remembered how Tony had ended up after drinking with Mike, but I was sure I could handle a few more. I gulped down the last bit of my sixth beer as Mike shoved another cup into my free hand. I just giggled and began to sip from that too as he stumbled off.

Almost everyone was either dancing or chatting away and I honestly felt kind of awkward. I wasn't much of a partygoer, but I surely wasn't the only one, right? I made my way through the crowd and walked past Chris and Ash who were heavily making out up against a column. "You go girl." I chuckled at her, a slight slur already in my voice.

She flipped me off but didn't stop sucking face with Chris. I couldn't help but to giggle again and walked on, passing Austin and Jenna cuddling by the big bonfire at a safe distance. He pecked her on the cheek every now and then and it was just so adorable to see.

I chewed on my lip as I watched them for a few seconds. I kinda wanted that too. I really did. No wait, what was I thinking? Must've been the booze. I chugged the rest of my beer and grabbed another one, trying to shake the stupid thought out of my head.

Eventually I found the only other person who was being as awkwardly alone as I was; Andy. "Gee, you're totally the life of the party, ain't you?" I told him as I plumped down beside him on the steps of what used to be the entrance to the guys' dorm.

He blew out the smoke of his cigarette and looked at me with an arched eyebrow. "And you're telling me that you are?" He simply stated.

I took a few big gulps of my beer and chuckled. "Heck yes I am. I'm loads of fun. What, you don't think I'm fun? Is that what you're thinking, hmm?" I was totally rambling, but I just couldn't help myself. The alcohol was fucking with me, big time.

Andy shrugged and though he tried to hide it, a cheeky smile played at the corner of his lips. "You're drunk. That's what I'm thinking." He told me with an obvious amused smirk.

"I'm not drunk." I muttered below my breath. Someone then passed by, holding two cups and right then and there I decided to yank one out of his hands and take a big gulp. "Thanks very much." I told the guy as I threw him a grateful wink. I wasn't even sure who he was, but it didn't matter.

Andy snorted as he watched the guy's insulted face, before he just shook his head and walked on. "No, I know what you're thinking." I then started again, out of nowhere.

Andy cleared his throat and turned towards me with both eyebrows raised curiously. "Really, is that so? Well please do tell." He ushered.

"You're thinking-" I began as I then took another few big gulps of my beers, finally having one empty so I could just continue with the other. "You're thinking- what is such a boring girl like me doing at a fun party like this."

"Well this party isn't that fun." Andy pointed out, but I immediately shushed him, ignoring entirely what he said.

I took another few gulps and started shaking my head. "You see the thing is." I then continued. "I'm actually a lot of fun. Well, I can be. But my parents have such high fucking expectations of me, and I always have to be the good example for my shit-for-brains little brother. It's unfair, you know?" I blurted out, then wondering why I was even telling Andy this in the first place. Seriously, what was I doing?

"That wasn't what I was thinking, but alright." Andy then retorted with an amused chuckle. I immediately shushed him again, awkwardly waving my hand in his face and pressing my fingers to his lips.

He stared down at my fingers questioningly and then looked back up at me. God, he had the most piercing set of blue eyes that I had ever seen. And his face... "You're very pretty, you know that?" I then whispered to him.

"Pretty?" Andy repeated questioningly, partially being muffled by my fingers.

"Shush! I'm talking!" I then exclaimed, pressing my fingers harder on his lips, making him laugh again. Dear god, I was really acting like an idiot, but I couldn't help it. I drank the last bit of my beer and threw the cup aside as I finally pulled my hand off Andy's face. "I'm a fun person. I'll prove that I can be fun."

"And how are you going to prove that?"

Oh how I loved a challenge. "I'm gonna start by drinking all the beer I can get my hands on." I said as I snatched the beer from Andy's hands and gulped that down too.

"And then?" He asked curiously.

I sat the empty cup down beside me and leaned over towards Andy. He really was pretty. I mean... his skin was basically flawless. His lips were so nice and... "And then I'm going to kiss you, mister Andrew Biersack." I whispered as I slowly leaned closer.

I saw him raise his eyebrows in confusion, but then I started to lose my focus. I tried to keep my eyes locked on his lips, and by the time that I thought I had reached them, I closed my eyes.

What the fuck was I doing?

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