Chapter 36

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One Monday morning, when I stayed at home for another night because the day started later, someone knocking on my bedroom door woke me up. "Just a minute." I mumbled as I yawned. I rolled out of bed and jumped into some tracks and a shirt, and went to open the door.

"Good morning, sis." Oliver said with a smile. "A letter from that school in New York just came in." He told me as he presented me the envelope.

My eyes widened. I quickly snatched the envelope from his fingers and immediately tore it open, earning a chuckle from Oliver's mouth at my nervous and excited reaction. I scanned the letter, not even thoroughly, looking for any indication of acceptance or rejection.

"Well, what does it say?" Oliver asked, almost impatiently.

I hushed him and finally was able to concentrate on a specific sentence. "We thank you for your application and hereby want to inform you that you have been placed into the next round. Congratulations, you are one step closer to a beautiful future at the New York Mayflower School of Performing Arts." I read out loud. When I realized what that meant, I couldn't help but to squeal.

I threw the letter behind me and lunged at Oliver, hugging him tightly as I squealed some more. He hugged me back and laughed softly. "See love, you have a pretty good chance at getting in." He told me, with a hint of pride in his voice.

I couldn't believe it. I was through to the next round.

Like... How?

I had to remind myself that this was just for clarification though. I wasn't actually going to the school if they did take me. I didn't actually want to go.

Or did I?

I got myself ready for class, packed my bag and stuffed the letter between my notes, and left with a sense of satisfaction. The school thought that I was good enough for the second round, and honestly that felt pretty damn great.

I dumped my bag on my bed, threw my books and notes out, and got ready for gym class, knowing that we were running tracks that day. I was completely fine with that though, the good news had given me some extra energy to burn.

"So, how have you been?" I asked Austin, who was running next to me. He was the only one who could keep up to my speed. But he had been at school on and off, more off than on really, so I wondered what was up.

"Well, you know how my mother passed away, right?" He said it almost casually. "Turns out, I have the same heart issues."

"Jesus, should you be running this much then?" I asked in shock.

Austin laughed between breaths. "Yeah, I do actually. I need to exercise, but then I also need to rest a lot. It's kind of contradicting, but I can live with it."

Wow. I was shocked. This young and already having heart problems. I felt really sorry for him. "Jenna must've freaked when you told her." I stated, starting to slow down my running a little.

Austin noticed and started slowing down too. "Oh yeah, definitely. She's been on my ass, trying to get me to relax ever since. With the right help I'm gonna be just fine though, so don't worry."

"Try telling her that." I muttered sarcastically. I knew exactly how Jenna was.

He just laughed in confirmation and nodded.

"So, you and Vic, eh? Congrats." He then told me.

I just smiled and looked in front of me. "Who ever would've thought, right?"

"Oh I definitely had my money on you two." Of course he did. If one person was aware of literally everything around here, it would be him.

We talked about countless random things as we ran, until the class was finally over and we were allowed to leave. I went straight back to my dorm room and took a nice, long shower, knowing I'd definitely feel my legs the next day.

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