Chapter 18

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"So you're stitched up with dental floss? Wow Chelsea, you clearly watch way too much Supernatural." Hayley said with a skeptical tone.

"Well it kinda saved my life, so no regrets there." I simply stated. She laughed and I could just picture her shaking her head. "So how's Greece?" I then asked. I could hear the waves in the background, so I assumed she was at the beach.

"Fine, fine." She muttered with less excitement than I expected from her. "Ashley called yesterday, she's dropping out." Wait, what? "Chris is too. They're starting a band and want to work together or something like that."

"Well that does sound like something Ash would do." I was also a lot less excited now. There used to be five girls in our little squad. "I guess graduation will just be the two of us then." 

"Hey babe, I'm getting drinks. Do you like mimosas?" I suddenly heard someone else say in the background. "Yeah, sure, sounds good." Hayley replied to the person.

"Babe?" I repeated questioningly. "Who's calling you...?" Oh wait, I knew that voice. Oh I definitely knew that voice. "Is Alex with you in Greece?!" I then squealed.

"Busted." Hayley said with a sigh and a chuckle. "Yeah we ran into each other, at surprisingly the same hotel, and so we've kinda been together since."

"Oh my god!" I yelled in excitement. "He totally stalked you all the way down there, you know that right? And did you just say you were together? Like, together-together?!"

Hayley giggled and I just knew she was blushing. "I confess it's official."  And I honestly couldn't have been happier for her. I jumped up from the log I was sitting on, attempting to literally jump for joy until I was reminded by the pain in my ankle. I cursed myself straight into hell and plumped back down on the log, whining and rubbing my ankle in the process.

"Hey, be careful. What got you all excited?" Vic then asked as he and Kellin came up to me. They both looked a little concerned.

"Hayley and Alex are dating!" I yelled at them with my phone still at my ear, so I was probably deafening Hayley too. "This is the best news I've heard since... oh I don't know, since whatever!"

Hayley giggled and then cleared her throat. "Alright well, I gotta go now. Alex will be back soon and we're going out for a late dinner in a little bit." We said our goodbyes and I clicked away the call. It may have been a little expensive to call her, but I missed her so the little chat was necessary.

I hadn't exactly been up to much since my accident so I had to entertain myself one way or another while the others were off doing their thing.

"Well I'm glad she's over you anyways. That's one crazy girl less." I then muttered jokingly, directed at Kellin. He just laughed and shook his head. "Anyways, I'm gonna chill out at the lake for a bit. I assume someone will come and get me when... well whatever you all have planned for food tonight." That part was directed at Austin since he had been arranging 'dinner' every night while we were out here. He gave me a quick nod and smiled.

Though I wasn't in a great shape, I still wanted to make the most out of this trip. Plus I wanted some time on my own to maybe call my mother or my brother to see how they were doing. Trust me when I say that I was fearful each day for my little brother ending up in juvie.

I got up on both my feet and took a few steps away from the campsite. So far so good. It hurt quite a lot, but I could manage. "Wait, hold on, let me help you." I heard Andy call out behind me.

I swung my head around to see him abruptly leaving Juliet's side and scurrying over to me with a determined look on his face. "I'm fine, really." I told him.

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