Chapter 32

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Okay, so I might've lied to myself a little... I didn't intend to, but here I was, sitting on the hood of Oli's car, watching the big bonfire on the school's parking lot from a slight distance. It wasn't that I wanted to be here, but after Christmas I had retreated from the house back to my dorm, for numerous reasons. So I figured, why not come out and watch a couple of boys pretending to know how to work with fire?

Oliver had shown up with Brendon, for some innocent fun. "I won't let him drink a single drop, I promise." He had assured me. And I trusted him. He wasn't drinking either, since he had to drive back home afterwards.

"What are you doing out here, all by your lonesome self?" Andy asked as he walked up to me. "Want a drink and some company?"

I just smiled and nodded. "Sure." As if I was going to say no to the drink. He was already holding two beers anyways, so he obviously came prepared.

He lit up a cigarette and leaned up beside me against the car. "Guess what?" He asked after taking his first drag.

"What?" I simply asked in return.

"Do you know that school in upstate New York? You know, that really fancy-schmancy performing arts school where they have these special singing classes and everyone gets like their own coach and stuff?" 

I frowned curiously and nodded. "Fuck, of course I know it. Why, what about it?"

Andy turned his face towards me and smiled smugly. "Well, I got in. I'm starting next year in august."

"No. Fucking. Way!" I squealed in shock and excitement. "Dude, do you have any idea how big that is?!" Andy simply nodded and smiled brightly. "God damn, I've wanted to go to that school ever since I was a fucking kid."

"So why don't you?"

I looked down at my beer and took a big swig. "Never had the money for it. And besides, I'm not good enough for that school anyway." I grumbled in self-pity.

"Shut up, you have a great voice and you know it." Andy simply stated as he gave me a playful nudge in the shoulder. "And the money thing... aren't those parents of yours like filthy rich? I mean- if they want you to be part of their family so bad, can't you like talk them into how important this would be to you and how happy it would make you?"

I stared at Andy for a moment and then began to laugh. "You are one manipulative piece of shit, Biersack." I muttered in amusement. "I like it." And what I meant was that I liked the idea. I could probably talk guilt into my parents with ease and get the money for the school.

But at the same time... heck, the chances that the school would even accept me were very small. Andy was lucky at that. Plus, I had Vic here; I couldn't just go to New York, could I?

"It's worth the try, right? I mean at least if they reject your application, you know for sure. All you need to do is fill in a form and send in an audition video, singing one song."

I chuckled and nodded. "Right, I'll give it a shot. They won't take me anyway."

"Not with that attitude." Andy pointed out. I rolled my eyes at him and downed the rest of my beer. I had heard enough, to be honest... it was time to go back to my dorm and count down the minutes 'til the end of the year. By myself.

I walked back into my dorm room and firmly shut the door behind me, sighing contently at the silence around me. I closed the blinds, turned on some music and grabbed the bottle of whiskey I had found in one of the cabinets. It was probably Vic's or Tony's, but they weren't here anyways... and if they could still use my shower stuff, I could use their liquor.

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