Chapter 5

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The week after, we were informed that Mr. Preciado was sick... which was sad and all for him, but it meant an extra hour of sleep for us. Hell to the yes! 

Later that day we all got ready for gym class. Mr. Sanders was in his I-don't-really-give-a-damn mood so we all kinda did our own thing.

It was amusing that all of the students were pretty predictable at what they chose to do with their three hours of being here. Yeah, three hours of gym class... ridiculous right? So I casually ran around the track with Austin, like we usually would.

We ran past the gym and I chuckled as I watched Alex and Jack staring and drooling at how the girls of the cheerleading squad were doing their cheers. Hayley watched the cheerleaders from a distance too. I knew she wanted to join them but she was so insecure.

I saw Ronnie and his friend Bryan lifting weights, trying to outdo each other. They were always at it like that... bunch of animals. Kellin, Vic and Tony were in the pool, they were timing each other at how fast they could swim to the opposite side.

And then there was Andy and Gerard... neither of them ever participated. Gerard would just sit on the bleachers and stare into nothingness. And Andy would be standing beside the bleachers, just smoking away. It was so typical. This time there was someone with him, though. A big looking ginger guy... new student, I guessed?

"Say can I ask you something?" Austin then suddenly started, panting lightly from the numerous laps we already ran.

"Shoot." I said, giving him a short answer so I could keep my breathing on track.

"You and Jen grew up together, right?"

I frowned and glanced over at him while we ran. "Yeah, we were neighbors, went to the same middle school. Why?"

"Well, it's our 6 month anniversary next week and I want to surprise her." I made an aww noise at how sweet he sounded. "But... I don't know how." Suddenly Austin stopped running and bent down, resting his hands on his knees.

I stopped a few feet ahead of him and then ran back, keeping my feet going as I stood in front of him. "And I'm guessing since I've known her for so long, you wanted to ask me what she likes?"

Austin looked up at me and nodded, trying to catch his breath. "Bingo."

I looked around the track and thought about it for a moment. Jenna and I grew up together, as kids we were the best of friends. But since college we didn't really talk that much anymore, and we hardly hung out. We just kinda grew apart, I guess? I chuckled a little as I thought back on something. "Well I remember Jenna always saying that if a guy would give her one of his shirts and some tulips, she'd be his forever."

The look on Austin's face was a mixture of amusement and confusion. "Tulips? Where am I supposed to get those?" He asked me.

"Oh don't worry. You said it's next week, right?" Austin simply nodded. "Well there's a shop where Jenna and I used to live with our parents that sells tulips. I think that's where she fell in love with them. When I go by my mom's in the weekend I'll get some for you, okay?"

Austin then threw his arms around me and pulled me into a tight hug. "Thanks so much, Chelsea. You're the best."

"Yeah, yeah, sure Carlile. Let's finish our laps... three to go right?" I squirmed out of his long, tattooed arms and started running again, waiting for him to finally catch up. Austin was a nice guy; no one could honestly hate him. All the girls liked him actually, but not in the Kellin kind of way. He was more of a good friend who would always be there to talk to you if you needed it. I kinda figured that's why he took psychology classes as an extra.

We ran our last few laps, and when I passed the bleachers Andy suddenly waved at me. I frowned questioningly and raised my hand, waving back weakly, wondering why he was waving at all. The new guy he was with then began to wave back frantically, and I couldn't help but to laugh at his excitement. Andy then smirked and turned back towards the guy.

What were they up to? I suppose he was just letting the guy know who everyone was? It made me wonder what he was telling him about me- but oh well.

"That's Danny." Austin then suddenly told me, following my gaze to the two beside the bleachers. "He's new, just moved here from the UK."

I chuckled and looked back at Austin. "Boy you know everything, don't you?"

He shrugged and smiled smugly. "Yeah well, it happens when you're everybody's best friend. People talk." I giggled at his cocky remark and gave him a playful shove. "Right well, I'm gonna hit the shower. See you later, Chelsea, thanks again."

"No problem, Beanstalk." He started running and flipped me off as he headed inside. 

I shook my head and chuckled as I then headed for the girl's bathroom to take a shower too. I undressed, quickly hopped into one of the showers and rinsed all of the sweat off my body.

Just when I turned off the shower, I swore I heard a noise. It sounded like something being knocked over. I quickly turned around and narrowed my eyes. "Is anyone there?" I asked, my voice immediately echoing through the girl's locker room.

No response. I then sighed and wrapped my towel firmly around me, when I suddenly heard a giggle and a shushing sound. I just knew at that point who it was. Or better said, who they were. I groaned in annoyance and walked around the lockers, to find Jack and Alex trying to hide behind the big crate of used towels.

"You two are disgusting." I snapped, immediately catching their attention.

"Shit." Alex huffed and fell back on his ass when he spotted me. Jack laughed nervously and got up on his feet, about to make a run for it.

"Oh I don't fucking think so, Barakat!" I ran after him, holding up my towel with one hand and floored him just in time, holding him down with my foot on his upper back.

Jack winced and groaned underneath me, and then laughed. "You've got a nice... tattoo on your back... and leg." Jack then said, his face pressed down onto the tiles. My face grew red. The fucking pervert. "Was it painful to get tattooed that close to your ass?"

I pressed my foot down harder on his back. "Get that image out of your head right now!" I snarled at him. I knew he was referring to the maori-styled snake I had on my lower back, near my hip. Its tail went down to my leg. Damn it, he really did not need to see that.

Jack chuckled below me. "Alright, I'm sorry Chelsea." He muttered, not sounding very convincing. Of course he wasn't actually sorry, though.

I turned towards Alex who finally came up to us, scratching the back of his head. "It was his idea." He mumbled, pointing down at Jack.

"Oh right, thanks so much for that, dude."

I rolled my eyes and took my foot off Jack's back, letting him get back up on his feet. "I swear, if I ever see either of you back in here, I will cut off your balls and dissect them as a biology experiment." I warned them both.

Both the guys cringed in pain and cupped their package in their hands. "You won't- promise." Alex muttered in fear. 

Apparently I sounded just a little too convincing. Good. They both then mouthed another sorry and scampered off. They better be scared. Lord I felt so sorry for Hayley... she shared her room with those two. Then again, I hadn't heard her complain about them. 


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