Chapter 4

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"Good afternoon, class." One of our new music teachers began. "I am Mr. Pitts, your teacher for this year, but please just call me Jake. This is my friend and colleague Mr. Ferguson-"

"But just call me Jinxx." The other then finished and continued. "So which of you are the singers?" The majority of the class raised their hand. "That would be right, because this semester will be all about singing. You all have been chosen for this class because you have the capability to sing. Whoever signed up for this class and is not scheduled in- do not fear- they will be added to the class next semester for the instrumental part of the year."

Mister Pitts- or Jake as he wanted us to call him then pulled out a piece of paper will a bunch of scribbling on it. "Firstly, I want to make groups of two, because the first assignment you will be getting will consist of doing a duet. The song you will be assigned to sing is not a duet, but you will have to figure out how to make it sound like one... together." He explained to us.

"I hope I end up with Kellin." Hayley muttered shyly, her face burning up at the mere thought of him.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. "Yeah, you and everyone else."

Groups of two were called out, and hey- guess who got paired up with Kellin? Yeah, I did. Oh sweet irony. God was never on my side. "Looks like we're singing together, eh?" Kellin then said, suddenly in front of me as he held out his hand and smiled.

"Oh joy." I mumbled with fake enthusiasm as I reached for his hand and let him pull me up on my feet.

Don't get me wrong, Kellin was a really nice guy, but I just knew that I was going to get so much shit from pretty much all of the girls for being paired up with him.

We walked over to the other side of the room, some of the girls shooting me death glares as I then noticed how Kellin was still holding my hand. I yanked it out of his grip and cleared my throat awkwardly, hoping they'd get the hint. Of course they didn't, though. I crossed my arms and absentmindedly stared at the piano that we passed, before Kellin sat down on the stool.

"So what song are we supposed to sing together?" I then asked.

Kellin smiled and looked up at me. "What, you didn't hear? We were assigned to do Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls."

"Well that explains why every girl in class is giving me the stink eye." I muttered below my breath as I sat down on the stool beside him with a deep sigh. Doing such a lovey-dovey song with him was probably every girl's dream around here. Yet I was the one stuck doing it with him. Just fabulous.

He chuckled a little and shook his head, before he just smiled at me again. "I've always liked you. I wonder why that is?" He then asked, more to himself than to me.

I snorted and raised my eyebrows at him. "You like me?"

Kellin's eyebrows furrowed and the smile on his face faded. "Yeah, you know- in a friend kind of way. You're a cool girl. You're different."

"That's only because I don't get a heart attack once you get within 3 feet of me." I simply stated, looking back over my shoulder for a second. I immediately regretted it once I saw angry glares from numerous girls and also spotted Hayley's disappointed face.

Kellin chuckled a little. "Well I'm glad I don't have that effect on you. It'll make working together a lot less... difficult." I nodded in agreement and went over the song with him a few times, trying to figure out the best way to turn this into a good duet. It wasn't going to be easy, but we were both determined to make it work.

"Oh and one more thing." Our teacher Jake then boomed through the classroom. "I want all of you to kind of treat this as a competition. The best duet will be performed at the school's winter dance at the end of this semester."

Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me? Hell, we better not win this, I thought to myself. Of course the sparkle in Kellin's eye told me that he would probably do anything in his power to win this, though. Fabulous.

"So do you want to start on this after class?" Kellin then asked me.

"Oh bummer, I can't." I simply told him, and I wasn't lying. "I have to report to Mrs. Sterling after class all week, thanks to Ronnie basically." Oh joy...

Kellin chuckled a little, in kind of a mocking way and then shook his head. "Alright, let me know when you're free to practice then." I nodded and watched him walk off to a few of the other guys and then left the classroom with them, paying no attention whatsoever to any of the girls.

This was the first time I actually had to work with Kellin, but I supposed it wasn't going to be too bad... besides the murderous glances and Hayley probably being on my ass every second asking me if he ever mentioned her, of course. Perhaps this was a good chance to get the two of them together?

After packing my things, I made my way down towards detention hall with Hayley closely by my side. "So what song are you supposed to sing?" I asked her.

"Marry the Night or something like that... with Ronnie." Her voice was filled with disgust and I couldn't help but to giggle. I did feel sorry for her though, but there was no way in hell I'd switch with her. I was spending enough time with Ronnie as it was.

"Well I gotta get to my hour of suffering... see you tomorrow."

Hayley then hugged me tight and fluttered off in the opposite direction. I sighed deeply and went into Sterling's class room, already finding Andy sitting there, completely unattended and having a smoke out the window.

"Feeling at home here, eh?" I asked, immediately earning his attention.

"It's not so bad when Principal Francis is too busy to keep an eye on us so he sends the janitor to check up every now and then... which he obviously hardly does." He simply explained with a smirk. Andy then jumped off the table he was sitting on and started walking around the room slowly. "That and... good company makes it a bit more bearable." He added as he threw me a kind smile.

Good company? Honestly I could think of a few people who would be much better company than these two. But it would have to do for now- just a few more days. Which reminded me... "Where's Ronnie?" Noticing that he wasn't here.

"Sick, supposedly." Andy shrugged.

I laughed and shook my head. "Very convincing."

"I know right. Cigarette?" I nodded and followed him up to the window. I suppose this indeed wasn't all that bad. Andy handed me one of his cigarettes with a smile. I stuck it in my mouth and he lit it with the same lighter I had thrown at Ronnie's face the last time.

"I believe this is yours."

"Thanks." I mumbled between my teeth as I took the lighter off him and stuck it in my pocket. I blew out the first drag and looked out the window, watching kids play on the playground across the street. What I wouldn't give to be that age again.

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