Chapter 13

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"Oh my god." I groaned out in pain, dragging out the words as I made myself sit up straight. I opened my eyes, being blinded by the natural light around me. My head was throbbing like crazy, the pain was pretty much excruciating. 

"Oh hey, you're awake." I heard a voice call out to me calmly. Well- calmly for their doing. For me it felt like someone was barking at me with a fucking megaphone.

"My head." I complained as I dragged a hand through my hair.

"Here, have a glass of water, you need to hydrate." I looked over beside me and found Vic kneeling down beside my bed, holding a glass of water out for me. He smiled gently as he waited for me to take it from him.

My arms felt heavy but still I reached out and put the glass to my lips, drinking from it like I had been stuck in the desert for days. It helped a little, but my stomach just felt so uneasy.

Vic then took the glass from me and opened up a little sachet, pouring some powder into the water, making it fizz and dissolve. "Drink this. It tastes disgusting, but you'll thank me for it later."

He handed the glass back to me and smiled again. "What is it?" I asked with a frown as I inspected the odd color.

"Just drink it." Vic ushered with a soft chuckle. I sighed and did as I was told. Dear god he was right, it did taste disgusting. Absolutely fucking disgusting. I couldn't even describe it, but it made me nauseous. "Try to keep it down." Vic then warned me, noticing the now obvious look on my face.

"Easier said than done." I muttered as I quickly placed the empty glass on my nightstand. "Do I even want to know why I feel this way?"

"It's called a hangover, Chels." Vic said, pointing out the obvious as he got up and walked into the bathroom. I was surprised by his newly found nickname for me. Well- newly found, he probably heard it from Kellin, since they were good friends and all. Vic came back again shortly after, with a wet cloth in his hands. He sat himself down on the edge of my bed and began to pat the cloth on my face and down my neck.

Oddly enough, that felt amazing. Once he returned to my face and rubbed a corner of the cloth around my eyes, it finally hit me what he was doing. Oh god- how embarrassing. "I look like a fucking panda that got dragged through a bush backwards, don't I?"

Vic laughed a little and smiled as he simply continued to clean my face. "Panda's are cute though." He simply stated, making my cheeks burn up almost instantly.

"H-How did I get back here?" I then asked, not sure if I wanted the answer. There's no way in hell I would believe that I came back here by myself.

"Andy brought you back. He said the two of you were talking and you pretty much just passed out on him." That's what happened? I passed out? Wait, on him

Well I hoped to god that I had passed out then before I kissed him. What was I even thinking anyways? Kissing Andy... jesus, I should obviously not get drunk again. Like, fucking ever.

"Well at least I didn't throw up on someone... or did I?" Oh I probably did. I probably made a total fool out of myself with my stupid ramblings, my attempt to kiss Andy and... oh god. Who did I throw up on?

"No, don't worry, you didn't." Vic then assured me. Well thank god!

"So I can hold my liquor then." I concluded with pride.

Vic snorted at my comment and shook his head as he put away the cloth. "Beer is hardly liquor, babe." I felt a blush creeping up my neck at him calling me that. "But alright, you're handling it well enough." He then admitted with a smirk.

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