Chapter 30

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"Attention to all students." Principal Francis's voice echoed through the school's speakers. "Due to budget cutbacks I have to inform you, with regret, that the winter dance of this semester... is cancelled. Now, I wish you all the best of luck with your exams these last few days. I hope you will all enjoy your holidays. And to all, an early Happy New Year."

"Hallelujah." I muttered in a bored tone.

"No!" Hayley practically screamed at the speaker. "The dance is tomorrow! How can they just go and cancel it now!?"

"Miss Williams!" Mrs. Sterling snapped, as she firmly smacked her hand on her desk. "Quiet, please!" It wasn't a request.

"Can you believe it though?!" Hayley then whisper-yelled at me.

I lazily turned the pages of my textbook, pretending to be doing something so that Mrs. Sterling would stay off my case, and sighed. "Yes, I can believe it. And I'm more than happy about it." I muttered below my breath.

"This is so unfair." I just rolled my eyes and ignored her. I knew how much the dance meant to her, but honestly I personally was kinda relieved. Mostly because of the whole performance thing that I would've had to do with Kellin. He on the other hand was pretty disappointed since we had won the challenge and all. We even got an A+ for working together so well.

"Why is everyone making such a big fucking deal about this dance?!" I exclaimed, later that day at the lunch table.

"Look who's got their panties in a knot." Oliver muttered as he sat down across from me, beside Kellin. He was here a lot lately. Like, really a lot. "Care to let me in on the news?" He asked.

"No, and my panties are none of your business, Oli." I snapped at him.

Oliver grinned and chuckled. "Right, but I know whose business they are." I gave him a warning look, but he was clearly not going to shut up. "Are you still keeping it a secret, sis? Say, how does he feel about that?"

"Secret?" Hayley asked. "What's going on, Chel?"

"Yeah, what's going on?" Kellin also asked.

Oliver sat back in his chair and leaned his arm on the back of Kellin's, the grin still way too apparent on his face. It made me want to smack it right off him. "Tell them, sis." He taunted.

I sighed deeply and poked my fork around in my food. There was no way I could avoid this any longer. "Vic and I, well- we're together, okay?" I muttered softly.

"What?!" Hayley and Kellin exclaimed at the same time. Though I honestly wasn't sure why they sounded so surprised, since I had told them both about our confession and all. "And when were you going to tell us?" Kellin pressured after a moment of silence.

"I'm sorry. I don't know. I'm not very good with this whole public affection thing, okay?" I admitted shyly.

"Yet in the bedroom the two of you are like super glue... all sticky and constantly all over each other." Oliver muttered in fake disgust.

Hayley gasped. "Have you...?"

She didn't even need to finish her sentence. I knew exactly what she meant. "No!" I quickly defended. "We haven't done anything. I'm just not... I'm not ready for all of that, okay? And he's fine with it."

"Are you sure about that, sis?" Oliver asked. "Because, he's a man after all. He's going to want it at some point. Raging hormones and all, right Kells?" He pointed out with a smirk as he wrapped an arm around Kellin, pulling him close and giving him a peck on his cheek.

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