Playing the Fool (Blue X reader)

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Requested by: @MunchkinThe

Blue X Strong-willed! Male! SilkWing! Reader

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(S/n) - SilkWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

(S/n) and Blue were always great friends, ever since they were smaller dragonets. However, (S/n) never understood Blue's absolute obedience to the HiveWings. Nevertheless, it didn't stop the (s/c) SilkWing to gain feelings for the kind, blue boy.

So, when escaping and locating Luna, (S/n) was quick to join Blue on the dangerous adventure.

(S/n) watched him, longingly. He was quite strong, even without his wings. (S/n) often pictured Blue with his wings, using his own (s/c) wings as a placeholder. Imagine flying with a beautiful blue boy over a soft rainbow sunset.

It was often that (S/n)'s (e/c) eyes that were on Blue. (S/n) frequently glanced down at Blue's sapphire and amethyst wrists, knowing his metamorphosis was soon. The faint warm orange glow worried (S/n). He never knew a Flamesilk before, besides Blue and his half-sister Luna. After watching Luna's flaming enrapture, (S/n) was unsure how it could effect Blue. Would the Flamesilk hurt him?

' Would he reciprocate my feelings? ', (S/n) questioned, peering at his crush.
' I don't think he will. He has new dragons to know and love. I'm not sure about the HiveWing though. She seems very nice, especially to Blue, however she could be hiding something. She better not hurt Blue, or I will definitely have a word with her. '

- Slight Timeskip -

Rain and wind bat at (S/n)'s (s/c) wings and irritating his (e/c) eyes. A pack of HiveWings found them again. Blue was shifting to avoid their yellow and black talons.

" Stay away from him, you disgusting banana slugs! ", (S/n) roared, clawing at the HiveWing trying to pursue Blue.
The HiveWing hissed and raked at his (s/c) scales. But, (S/n) put up a fight and kept them at bay with all his will and strength.

Soon, the group was far enough away where the HiveWings had lost them. Then, Blue groaned loudly, scratching his wrists again. This alerted (S/n) greatly.
" Blue, we should get somewhere safe. It's not safe with your metamorphosis being so soon. ", (S/n) informed him, with his (e/c) eyes wide.
" But what about you and the others? I don't wish to be the reason everyone gets in trouble. ", Blue argued, anxiously.
" We'll be fine, Blue. You need to get some shelter. ", (S/n) stated.
" But- ", Blue started.
" No, I'm serious, Blue. Please we need to get somewhere safe, so your metamorphosis will go safely and smoothly. ", (S/n) protested, adamant about this topic.

Eventually, (S/n) got Blue to agree. (S/n) found some dry shelter for him. Which Blue had in metamorphosis, enraptured in a similar warm orange cocoon.

(S/n) stared beside him at Blue's cocoon. His (s/c) scaled tail was curled around it, protectively. His (e/c) gaze was soft and comforting, yet anxious. It has been about six days since Blue retrieved in his cocoon.
' Will he ever come out? I miss him so much. ', (S/n)'s mind worried.
Out of habit, the protective (s/c) SilkWing imagined cute and soft romantic scenes with Blue. Including, cute dates, cuddling and stargazing.

(S/n) jumped, startled, as Blue's cocoon shook violently. Carefully, a familiar sapphire and amethyst snout poked out from the warm orange threads.
' There's my boy. ', (S/n) stated in his head, feeling a smile form upon his (s/c) face.

After Blue fully emerged, he had the most beautiful blue and purple wings. (S/n) couldn’t help, but continue to look him up and down with admiring (e/c) eyes.
" You're so gorgeous. ", (S/n) breathed out.
" You think so? ", Blue asked, flattered.
" I actually said that out loud? Well, it's true. ", (S/n) told him, honestly, filling a crimson blush upon (s/c) cheeks.
" I'm surprised that I haven't met this side of you. ", Blue stated.
" Side of me? ", (S/n) questioned, confused.
" Yes, the charming and kind side. ", Blue confirmed, softly.
" You think I'm charming? ", (S/n) asked, feeling his heart beginning to pound in his (s/c) chest.
" I do. ", Blue stated, looking away.

" Actually, I think it's time I told you. ", Blue started, making eye contact with (S/n)'s (e/c) eyes.
(S/n) tilt his head, questions filling his mind.
" I've been hesitant on telling you, but I've got a crush on you. I have ever since we are smaller, when we went to school together. ", Blue confessed, blushing, shyly.
" You actually reciprocate my feelings? ", (S/n) exclaimed, with shock.
" You crush on me too? ", Blue questioned with equal amount of shock.
" Yes, for probably as long as you have. Perhaps I've been playing the fool, haven't I? ", (S/n) admitted.
" Yes, you have. ", Blue giggled, planting a sweet kiss upon his (s/c) cheek.

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Decided to speedrun and give you this request. Another simple mutual pining.

Also, if this book can be less popular that would be great /j /j

Published: Dec. 3rd / 2022

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