An exception (Glory X reader)

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Requested by: Vakecara

Glory X Gender-Neutral! IceWing/MudWing hybrid! Reader

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(H/n) - Hybrid name

(S/c) - Scale color

(Ss/c) - Second Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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♡ Glory's POV ♡

I shivered as I flew closer into the Ice Kingdom. I squinted as I looked over the landscape. Suddenly, I spot a dragon down below. At first glance, they looked like any ordinary IceWing. But as I got closer, I saw their differences.

They were more built like a MudWing. They had those stronger muscles which only MudWings possessed. Their scales were a (s/c) color and some of their scales were (ss/c). Maybe they could give me some information about where Blaze lives.

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☆ 3rd Person POV ☆

Glory changed her scales to appear like a IceWing. Her scales were now white with accents of bright ice blue. She flew towards the unknown hybrid.
" Hey, What are you doing? ", She said with a commanding tone.
The hybrid tensed up as they spotted Glory.
" I-I mean no harm! ", They stammered quickly, reaching their front talons in a surrendering motion.
Glory winced a bit as she saw their shock. She flew down in front of them. Her talons rested into the cold snow.

The hybrid was a bit taller than she was. Not as big as Clay, maybe a tiny bit smaller than him.

" I'm not in the war. And I'm not an assassin for anyone- ", The hybrid started reassuring.
" Then, Why are you here? ", Glory asked.
" I just live here. ", The hybrid replied.
" Would you happen to know where Blaze lives? ", Glory asked.
The hybrid nodded. They lifted one of their talons and pointed in the direction of the stronghold.
" Thank you, ...? ", Glory started.
" (H/n), my name is (H/n). ", (H/n) told.
" Well, Bye (H/n). ", She started and flew off back to her friends.

- Timeskip -

Glory and Jambu flew towards the stronghold, camouflaged as IceWings. Glory fluffed up her ears in alarm as she heard a third set of wingbeats join them. But she settled down as kind (e/c) eyes met her blueish green ones.
" Where are you headed? ", (H/n) asked.
" Blaze's stronghold. ", Glory answered.
" Why? ", (H/n) asked.
Glory thought for a moment. Then she thought of a idea.
" We have a message for her. ", Glory replied.
" Do you mind if I join you? ", (H/n) questioned.
Glory smiled.
" Sure. ", She said.

- Small Timeskip -

(H/n), Glory and Jambu are guiding Blaze to the other dragonets of destiny. Blaze is really excited, as usual. (H/n) was also kind of excited. They were glad to be meeting the dragonets of destiny, the ones destined to end the war. Glory thought their excitement was kind of cute but she kept herself, her cool and collected self.

As Blaze was being introduced to everyone, She suddenly let out a scream. There was this NightWing. Glory lunged for him, pouncing on him. They fought for a moment. Then, the NightWing pinned Glory to the ground. (H/n) bared their teeth at the NightWing. They knocked him off of Glory, sending him tumbling to the ground. Then, (H/n) and the NightWing fought.

As the NightWing flew away, injured, (H/n) glared at him.
" Yeah, that's right. Get outta here! ", (H/n) taunted him.
After finishing shouting at the NightWing, (H/n) turned to the others. Glory scoffed at them.
" I can take care of myself, you know. ", She stated.
(H/n) just giggled at her.

- Timeskip -

Glory huffed as saw Deathbringer appear of her NightWing prison. Flying with him are (H/n) and Clay. Glory smiled at the two MudWings.
" How'd you get in? ", Glory asked.
" Well, Murderbasket helped us get in. ", (H/n) explained.
" My name is Deathbringer. ", Deathbringer corrected.
" Meh. I think Murderbasket fits you better. ", (H/n) teased.
Deathbringer rolled his eyes at them. Glory let out a quiet giggle.
" Now, come on. Let's get outta here. ", (H/n) stated.

Glory nodded and carefully grabbed on their shoulder to keep herself steady. (H/n) looked up at her. Glory nodded the hint and nodded to them. (H/n) returned the nod in response. Kinkajou got on top of Clay.
" Let's roll out. ", (H/n) said.
Then, Clay and (H/n) flew towards the entrance while Deathbringer dipped.

- Timeskip -

Glory glared at (H/n) in her camouflaged form.
" (H/n), Get outta here! ", She hissed.
" But I want to protect you. You are a queen afterall. ", (H/n) stated.
" But you'll be seen! I need you to stay back with the others! ", Glory demanded.
(H/n) huffed and looked hurt by her words. But they nodded and flew back down to defend the captured RainWings from aggressive NightWings.

- Timeskip -

Glory watched some of her subjects fly off to Jade Mountain. Glory gave a side glance to the dragon next to her.
" You could've been a student there you know. ", She reminded them.
" Yeah, but I'd much rather be with you. ", They replied.
Some of Glory's ruffs shaded a pale pink for a moment. She tried to change them back to normal as quickly as she could. She hoped (H/n) didn't notice it. But they did.

Later that night, Glory was wide awake in her royal hammock. She sighed as she tried to shut her eyes and fall asleep, which didn't work. Glory jumped as she heard a small knock on the rim of the door.
" Hey, It's me. ", (H/n) reassured her, quietly.
" I don't think you like the dark so I got you this small light. ", They went on.
In one of their talons was a small glass lantern with fireflies lighting it up. They gently placed it on a table close to her hammock.

Just as they were about to leave, Glory spoke up.
" Hey, Could you actually stay with me? ", She asked, shyly and embarrassingly.
" Sure. ", They replied.
They walked back and layed down next to Glory. She watched them for a moment. Pink rose upon her scales once again. She draped her tail down to theirs and intertwined it with hers. (H/n) lifted their head up and looked at their now twisted tails. Then, they looked up at Glory.
" I thought you didn't like touching other dragons. ", They said.
" Well, You're an exception. ", Glory responded.

" Awww, you do care about me ~ ", (H/n) teased.
" Oh you, shut up ~ ", She snapped back in a playful way.

' I could get used to this. ', Both of them thought.

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I hope this is good :)

Published: Feb. 6th / 2022

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