My King (Queen Wasp X reader)

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Requested by: Startalon-the-NW

Yandere! Queen Wasp X Male! HiveWing! Reader

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(H/n) - HiveWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

(F/c) - Favorite color

(F/g) - Favorite gem

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Warning: Showings of kidnapping and drugging. Threats are also used.

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

(H/n) was a very high noble in Jewel Hive. He liked to attend parties that the Hive hosted. He would often wear (f/c) robes which were lined with many small shards of (f/g). He was admired by most of the hive, almost if not all. He was very kind to almost everyone he met, especially the SilkWings. He treated everyone as if they were equal to him in status. He was really well known for that.

It was just another party in Jewel Hive. (H/n) was having a grand old time there. He was drinking sparkling sodas and chatting with his friends. But soon, after one of the sodas, (H/n) began to feel sleepy. He soon had passed out. He was purely out cold.

The (s/c) HiveWing woke up in a jolt. His (e/c) eyes quickly flashing open. He guessed it was the next morning, probably mid morning, judging by the various sounds that could be heard outside. He looked down and spotted chains around his (s/c) talons. A shocked expression jumped onto his face. He was also tied to a bed, so it was a bit more comfortable than a jail cell. (H/n) looked at the chains in pure puzzlement with a twinge of horror.
' Why would someone lock me up? Did I do something wrong? ', His mind asked with concern.

Not soon after, a jiggle of a door could be heard. (H/n) shot his head upward towards it in a bit of alarm. He slightly gasped as he saw who had come through the door. It was the evil HiveWing queen herself, Queen Wasp.

(H/n) gasped as he gazed upon the black and yellow queen. His (e/c) eyes widened and his heart started to beat faster. Queen Wasp's black eyes lit up as she spotted him.
" Looks like someone's awake ~ ", She cooed.
(H/n)'s mouth was still, yet it quivered a bit. He was frozen, as if blasted with frostbreath.
" Why are you staring at me with all that fear in your eyes? You're the only one that I do not like that expression on. ", She asked.
(H/n) couldn't reply, all he could do was stare at her with his wide (e/c) eyes. Fear was the only emotion that went through him. Many questions ran through his head, however none of them were clear to him. They were obscured so much that they seemed like static in his brain.

As (H/n) couldn't focus, he didn't notice that Wasp had slithered into the bed and curled up to him. (H/n) flinched as he felt Wasp's talons on his (s/c) ones and her tail intertwined with his. Wasp was looking deep into his (e/c) eyes. They almost seemed to sparkle as she gazed upon him. A smile was on her face, which (H/n) had never seen before.

" I love you so much, my darling ~ ", She teased.
" What? Why? ", (H/n) managed to say.
" There are over a million reasons, my flower. I can't possibly tell you all of them, we'd be here forever. Which, I definitely can't complain about that. However, I do need to tend to you and my kingdom, so I'm unable to explain why I love you so much, sweetness ~ ", Wasp replied.
Then, the queen got up from the bed and slipped off. She turned and started to walk towards the door, but then she paused and looked at him once more.
" Before I need to attend royal business, I have something for you. ", She told him.
She quickly had an item in her yellow and black talons.

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