Anxiety (Moon X reader)

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Moon (Moonwatcher) X Gender-neutral! NightWing! Reader

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(N/w/n) - NightWing name

(E/c) - Eye color

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Warning! :
This contains a mention of panic attacks. This also includes hyperventilating, pacing, etc. If you find this triggering, please skip this Oneshot.

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☆ (N/w/n)'s POV ☆

I flapped my wings as I spotted Jade Mountain. I came to see a NightWing named Moonwatcher or Moon as I know her.

She was one of my friends in the rainforest that I would visit her every once in a while. Since she went to Jade Mountain Academy, I haven't seen her in a while. And I decided to check up on her.

My claws clicked as I landed on the stone platform in front of the entrance. I knocked on the front door. I was then greeted by a Large MudWing. I believe he was one of the dragonets of destiny who was named Clay.
" Um, Excuse me. I'm here to visit a NightWing named Moonwatcher. Could you guide me to her? ", I asked.
" So, You must one of her NightWing friends, Right? What's your name? ", He asked as he let me inside.
" It's (N/w/n). Nice to meet you ", I greeted.
" I'm Clay. And I believe Moonwatcher is in her sleeping cave. I think she'll be glad to see you again ", He said as he pointed to a map of the place. Then he waved goodbye as I tried to figure out exactly where her sleeping cave is. He sure was nice.

I finally figured out where her cave was. I peered in the doorway. Only to see Moon but she was in a panic. She was breathing really quickly. She paced quickly around the room. She looked as if she was about to pass out from the panic.

My eyes widened as I rushed towards her.
" Hey Moon. It's me, (N/w/n). It's okay. Focus on me. ", I tried to say in a calming voice. Moon's green eyes stared directly into my (E/c) eyes. Her pupils expanded very slightly as she stared into mine.

I grabbed her talons gently in mine.
" Try to focus on my breathing, Moon. Please listen to my voice ", I said calmly.
" In, 1.. 2.. 3.., Hold, 1.. 2.. 3.., Out, 1.. 2.. 3.., Hold, 1.. 2.. 3.. ...", I repeated multiple times as I gazed at Moon as she listened.

After a few minutes, Moon's breathing went to normal speed. Her talons stopped shaking as much. Her eyes turned back to normal. I smiled at the sight. I'm glad she's better now.

" Thank you ", Moon said as she hugged me tightly. I started to feel very warm. Moon must have noticed since she pulled away from me.
" Are you ok? ", She asked.
I nodded. She eyed me for a moment. Then, she put on of her talons on my chest and pulled it away again. She did this a couple of times. I gave her a very confused look. Then, she smirked at me. I was even more confused. Then, She suddenly give me a peck on my cheek. Suddenly, my scales felt like firescales. She giggled at me. What was she doing?

I was so bewildered at this point. Was this a test? Was she toying with me? Was this a result of a dare or something? No, It wouldn't. At least, I hope it wasn't.

This feeling felt weird. It's like I was very light almost like I was flying but, I was on the ground.

Suddenly, I was pulled from my thoughts by Moon giving me another peck and then snuggling into my neck.

Perhaps, I could get used to this. ♡

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Published: September 9th, 2021

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