Common interests (Winter X reader)

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Requested by: xMcSalty

Winter X Female! SeaWing! Reader

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(S/n) - SeaWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

(S/n) has always wanted a scavenger. Her mother wouldn't let her get one though. Scavengers couldn't breath underwater anyways. She's never seen one of them up close, but she has become fascinated by the small and curious creatures.

So, when she found out that someone from Jade Mountain Academy had a scavenger, she was ecstatic. She quickly found out who it was. It was Prince Winter, nephew of Queen Glacier.
' Gosh, a royal with the same interest as me! I would love to meet him! ', (S/n) thought to herself, excitedly.

The first time she was him, was in the Prey Center. It was the infamous fight over Bandit, Winter's scavenger. (S/n) admired how sparkly his scales were. They were so pretty to her. So, a nickname for the IceWing was in fact, Pretty boy.

- Timeskip -

(S/n) had slowly gotten closer to the cold prince. It all started with rude comments from the IceWing. Then, his heart started to melt and he slowly let her in. And soon, the (s/c) SeaWing was constantly hanging out with him.

Currently, both dragonets were in Winter's room, watching Bandit, studying the scavenger. After a long quiet moment, (S/n) decided to speak up.
" They're such interesting creatures, aren't they? ", (S/n) pointed out.
" Yeah, they really are. They're quite unpredictable and that's one of the reasons why they're so interesting. ", Winter replied with a small smile on his face.
Instantly, they started to feel over their knowledge over the creatures.

- Another Timeskip -

(S/n) had gotten quite lonely after Winter had left Jade Mountain Academy. But, saving the world from an ancient evil overpowered dragon is very time consuming, so she patiently waited for her best friend to return. However, her patience started to wither as time kept passing.

(S/n) was in her sleeping cave, curled up in her bed. Her (e/c) eyes were slightly droopy. She sighed deeply and blinked.
" Hey, remember me? ", A voice suddenly asked.
(S/n) jumped up, startled. She brought her head up and turned her head towards the sudden voice. It was her best friend, Winter.

She lit up and scrambled out of bed. She ran toward him and brought him into a deep hug. A blue blush rested upon the IceWing's cheeks, but he hugged her back tightly. After a couple of moments, the (s/c) SeaWing pulled away.
" Now, where have you been? ", She asked him.
" You know, saving the world. Dealing with my family and one more thing. ", He replied.
" One more thing? What's that? ", She questioned.
" Well, I've got to show you. Follow me. ", He prompted.
She snickered at him.
" Alright then. ", She peeped out, following him.

Winter led (S/n) out of Jade Mountain Academy. After a short flight, Winter spoke up.
" This is what I wanted to show you. ", He told her.
They landed on a soft grass patch. (S/n)'s (e/c) widened as she spotted the small scavengers skitter about.
" This is Sanctuary. Here, we have many scavengers. I thought you would like to see it. ", He explained with a small smile.
" Oh my seas. You did this!? ", She exclaimed.
" Well, yes, but I go admit, I did get some help. But overall, yes, I have. ", He told her.
" That's so cool! You're so amazing, Winter! ", She praised.
A blue blush bursted upon his cheeks. He's not used to compliments.
" Yea, I guess so. ", He mumbled.

- Timeskip cause plot -

Winter smiled as he thought about (S/n). He never thought that someone would share his scavenger fascination, especially at the same exact level. He felt understood by her. It made his heart just melt whenever he thought about it.

' Maybe, I'm in love with her. ', His mind suddenly said.
That random thought kept drafting in his mind for a couple of more months with (S/n). Everytime they would hang out, Winter noticed everything about (S/n). The way her bioluminescent scales would slightly glow when she spotted a scavenger, the way her (e/c) eyes sparkled, everything about her. He admired everything.
' Yep, definitely in love. ', Winter thought finally.

Finally, Winter has decided to confess his feelings to (S/n). He had found (s/c) flowers that reminded him of her scales. He was nervous as he flew to find the (s/c) SeaWing. He kept reassuring himself as he kept going. As soon as he found her, he swooped down next to her. She smiled as she saw him.

" Well, hello Winter! ", She chirped.
" Um, hi. ", He mumbled.
" Is something wrong? Something feels off. ", She told him with a bit of concern in her voice.
" No, no. Nothing's wrong.. I just- ", He stammered.
Then, he took a deep breath. He took the flowers from behind his back and showed them to her.
" These are for you. ", He mumbled.
(S/n) gasped and a smile rested upon her cheeks. Winter looked away from her with a blue flushed face. That's when a smirk appeared on the SeaWing's lips. She swiftly planted a kiss on his cheek. His face blossomed into even a deeper blue.
" I love you too, Pretty boy ~ ", (S/n) cooed.

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Here, take another Winter.

I think my writing is a bit bad, but at least if everyone has enjoyed it, then I've done my job. So, I hope it's enjoyable...? :)

Published: May 17th, 2022

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