Being different (Whiteout X Reader)

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Requested by: Magic-is-dirtyminded

Whiteout X Female! NightWing/SeaWing! Reader

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(H/n) - Hybrid name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

(F/f) - Favorite flower

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Slight warnings? : Hints to isolation and/or bullying

Idk if I should put a warning, but here. It's not too gone into, but it's hinted at a bit, so here this slight warning.

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☆ 3rd Person POV ☆

Whiteout observed the water of the sea before her. She was at one of the beaches in the Night kingdom. She felt the sand between her talons.
' I wonder how the sand feels to be walked on. ', Whiteout thought as looked at her talons.

Her thoughts were quickly interrupted by a sound and a shape in the water. Whiteout snapped her head up and looked at the water. She carefully walked over towards it. As she got closer, the shape retreated back into the water.
" Don't be afraid, I do not intend to harm. ", Whiteout told the shape.

Then, she was met by two shy looking (e/c) eyes. Whiteout jumped back a bit. But, she didn't coward away from the creature.
" Greetings! ", Whiteout said.
The dragon looked at her for a while. Then, they crept closer to the shore and surface of the water. The dragon stopped as her neck was almost halfway above the surface.
" No need to retreat. I am quite soft. I am not wild and feral. ", Whiteout reassured her.

Slowly and surely, the dragon crept out of the sea and near Whiteout. Whiteout's eyes widened as she saw the dragon slither out of the water.
' She is very pretty. ', Her mind told her.
The dragon gave her an anxious and confused look.
" I'm Whiteout. What is your calling? ", Whiteout greeted.
" (H/n). ", (H/n) said, quickly.

(H/n) blinked her (e/c) eyes at Whiteout, then she looked down at the sandy ground. Whiteout noticed the other hybrid's expression and tilted her head.
" What is the matter? Why shiver away from one different, yet so similar? ", Whiteout asked.
(H/n) looked up at her and opened her mouth a bit.

" Whiteout! Whiteout! ", A dragon called, his voice rolling over the rocky landscape.
(H/n) tensed up and quickly hightailed it, back into the dark ocean.
Darkstalker appeared and flew down towards his sister.
" Whiteout? What are you- ", He cut himself off as he spotted the end of a (s/c) tail curl back into the sea.
He looked at his sister. She had a saddened expression on her face and her talon was slightly outstretched, reaching out towards the water. A feeling of slight regret flew through his veins.
" Oh, I'm sorry that I scared off your friend. ", He apologized, curling his wings in.
Whiteout sighed and looked at him with her strange blue eyes.
" It is alright. She was retreating back into her habitat. I only wish for her to return, so I could lay my gaze upon her again. ", Whiteout reassured.
" Do you want to go back home? ", Darkstalker asked her.
Whiteout nodded. Then both the dragonets flew off back to their house.

- Timeskip -

Whiteout carefully slithered out of her house and towards the beach where she first saw (H/n). She was delightedly surprised to find that (H/n) was there, peeking out of the water.

" Why, greetings once again! ", Whiteout chirped.
" Um... hello Whiteout. ", (H/n) greeted.
" Why not break free from your liquid barrier? ", Whiteout asked her, ushering her towards herself.
" I would rather not... ", (H/n) replied.
" But why not? I do not intend to harm nor want to. I am not evil. I have no holes. ", Whiteout questioned.
(H/n) took a deep breath and sighed deeply.
" No, no. It's not you. It's just I'm different, you see. I just don't want to get too close to you. It has nothing to do with you. I just don't want to get hurt again. I know you'll probably not, but I can never be to sure. I'm sorry. ", (H/n) confessed.

Whiteout blinked at the NightWing/SeaWing hybrid.
" But why would someone harm a jewel of (s/c)? She is so pretty, even if the faults reveal. Why do others discard the beauty of fault? They all have them themselves. Why do that to a jewel which only appears differently to their own? You fit in both, even if your faults are gleaming and shimmering on your (s/c) scales. You deserve warm waves of affection from others, not cold scars of talons who don't approve of variety. ", Whiteout comforted her.

(H/n)'s (e/c) eyes became cloudy and a smile smeared across her face. She blinked and a small tear dropped from her eye and plopped into the ocean surrounding her. She carefully swung her talons forwards, towards the shore. She draped herself onto the beach and went to Whiteout. (H/n) flopped her (s/c) talons over Whiteout and held her close.
" Thank you. ", (H/n) whispered.
Whiteout smiled and returned the hug.
" You are very welcome. ", Whiteout said.

- Another Timeskip -

It's been a couple of months of meetings between (H/n) and Whiteout. The two have gotten quite close during that time. And this time, Whiteout has a surprise for (H/n).

Whiteout nervously smiled as she flew towards the beach. (H/n) was down below, waiting for Whiteout, as she usually does. As Whiteout landed, she quickly hid her surprise behind her back. (H/n) gave her a confused look.
" Whatcha got there? ", (H/n) asked, trying to look what Whiteout has in her talons.
" Surprise. ", Whiteout simply said, still shifting to blind the hybrid from noticing her gift.
(H/n) huffed, puffing up her cheeks in impatience. Whiteout snickered at her.

" (H/n). I... I have warm feelings for you. It's been lingering for a period of time. I needed to tell you this feeling. I believe it is right for me to tell. You are absolutely beautiful. You are a (s/c) treasure of the ocean. I admire you imperfections. They bring out how special you feel to me. You are like no one else. Like me. We are both imperfect. Can we be imperfect together? ", Whiteout confessed, pulling her talons in front of her.
Whiteout's surprise was a bundle of (f/f) that she had picked for the hybrid.

(H/n)'s (e/c) eyes widened and her heart started to pound, hearing Whiteout's confession.
" Whiteout, I... I feel the same way! Of course I'll be yours! ", (H/n) admitted.
(H/n) quickly and lightly kissed Whiteout on the cheek. A blush built on Whiteout's face. She giggled and held her new girlfriend close.
" I love you, my beautiful one ~ ", Whiteout cooed.

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It's ok to be different. Be weird (just don't be gross) <3


Published: Apr. 5th / 2022

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