Similar tastes (Sunny X reader)

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Requested by: Brookecartoon

Sunny X Shy! Male! NightWing! Reader

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(N/n) - NightWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

Finally, the SandWing succession had ended. Now, every tribe was at peace. RainWings and NightWings lived peacefully in the Rainforest. However, this one older shy dragonet, being the name of (N/n), decided to travel to the Sand Kingdom.

Sunny decided to visit her mother, Thorn, for a while as her school, Jade Mountain Academy, was being built. It was a difficult job to manage and plan out. Plus, her mother was the new queen of the SandWings, why wouldn't Sunny want to visit her.

It was a long and treacherous journey through the sandy, hot desert. (N/n) was all tuckered out as he arrived at Thorn's stronghold. He politely addressed the guards with respect, requesting to congratulate and thank the queen for ending the war. The guards escorted him through the comfortable corridor.

Soon, he arrived in the throne room, however he wasn't expecting to see one of the most beautiful dragons before his own (e/c) eyes. Talking to Queen Thorn, there was a joyful and bright hybrid. (N/n) knew immediately who she was. One of the dragonets of destiny, the sole heir to the SandWing throne through her mother, Princess Sunny.

(N/n) wanted to know more about her, but that wasn't his original mission.
" Your majesties. ", (N/n) addressed, bowing in a respectful manner.
" Oh, why hello, who may you be? ", Thorn asked, glancing over to the (s/c) dragonet.
" (N/n) of the NightWings. I wish to congratulate you on obtaining the throne and to thank you for ending the atrocious war that has plagued our continent for two decades. ", (N/n) announced.
" Thank you. That means a lot if you flew all the way out here just to congratulate me. ", Thorn stated with a smile.

- Timeskip because plot reasons -

(N/n) was delighted that he managed to get some time to know Sunny better. She definitely did live up to her name. It wasn't long before (N/n) realized he had gained feelings for the bright hybrid.

She was kind, optimistic, and full of love. But, she wasn't only this simple ball of sunshine. She was also quite intelligent in her own right. She seems almost perfect, even if she was different.

Now, was the time for the confession. (N/n) knew he couldn't tell just her, so he needed another plan. Eventually, he decided to confess to her in a scroll.

After the (s/c) NightWing wrote the confession, he glanced outside with his (e/c) eyes. The three moon stared back down at him, calmly. He smiled at them, before nodding and slipping out of the room under the cover of darkness.

After he placed the scroll upon Sunny's bedside table, he stared at her sleeping form for a moment. A smile formed upon his (s/c) face and his (e/c) grew in love. However, he slipped back away, wishing the best for tomorrow's events.

Sunny awoke as the morning sun's rays trickled from her window and onto her warm yellow scales. She yawned, rising her body. Then, her green eyes layed upon the rolled up scroll on her beside table.

' That’s weird, there wasn't a scroll before. ', Sunny observed, giving it a confused look.
Then, she grabbed it, holding it in her talons.
' Couldn't hurt to see what's inside, right? ', She thought, unrolling the scroll and peering over its contents.

' Dear Sunny,

I want to admit something important. I have feelings for you, romantic feelings that is. You are the sweetest and most beautiful dragon I've ever known. I couldn't help but fall under your charms.

You definitely live up to your name, as you ignite a fire in my heart that won't go out. I want to be yours and for you to be mine. I only wonder if you will feel same.

Sincerely, (N/n). ', It read.

Sunny gasped, as she felt a small blush appear upon her golden yellow cheeks. Now thinking about it, she had been drawn to him. Were these romantic feelings? She felt similarly to what he had described. She decided she would confront him about it.

" (N/n)? ", Sunny called out, knocking upon his door.
" Yes? ", (N/n) asked, revealing himself in the doorway.
" I think I like you too. ", She admitted.
(N/n) felt a blush arise on his (s/c) cheeks.
" You do? ", He asked, surprised.
" Yes. ", She stated, nodding.

' I guess, me and mother do have similar tastes. ', She thought, curling into his (s/c) neck.

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Apologies that this is a shorter one than usual! The only idea that I went off of was the reader's personality and Sunny's thoughts when learning who her father was.

Also, my motivation has been like bye- * evaporates *

Published: Jan, 4th / 2023

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