Guarded (Anemone X Reader)

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Bold! Princess Anemone X Female! Guard! SeaWing! Reader

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(S/n) - SeaWing name

(E/c) - Eye color

(S/c) - Scale color

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♤ (S/n)'s POV ♤

I was recently assigned to be Princess Anemone's guard at Jade Mountain Academy.

Pike was battling a bad sickness and was sent home. He protested as usual but eventually, He had to obey the Queen's orders and to stay home until he got better.

I was just filling in for him. Normally, I would be patrolling the Palace. But, I was sent since I was considered a great guard according to Queen Coral herself.

I scanned around my station. I was at the entrance of the Princess's sleeping cave. Suddenly, I spotted the Princess coming out of her cave. She stared at me for a moment. Her pupils expanding slightly as she gazed.

" Why are you here? ", She asked in a quiet voice.
" Your mother requested that I fill in the role as your personal guard here as Pike is sick. ", I answered her. I noticed a subtle annoyed expression in her face when I mentioned Pike.
" But, Why did she send you specifically? ", She asked.
" Because she said that I was one of the best guards so probably that's why? ", I answered in a questioning tone.

" So, I guess you'll be following me then? ", Anemone asked. I nodded and started to follow her.

As we walked, she kept looking back at me. I'm not sure why though. I tilted my head slightly. But, I didn't say anything.

- Small Timeskip -

We were in the prey center. There were many loud clicking sounds and roars coming from the other dragons. But, I had my full attention on Anemone. She was eating this bright silver scaled fish. It's flesh was a cotton candy pink.

Anemone's eyes drifted over to me. Her eyes softened slightly. Suddenly, My stomach give a small roar and twitched slightly. Anemone's eyes flew to my stomach, back at her fish and then to my eyes.

She shifted her talon with her half eaten fish towards my mouth. I shook my head, declining the fish.
" That's your fish, Princess. I shouldn't eat it. Especially while I'm on duty ", I firmly stated.
" Well, I command you to eat it ", She ordered.
I sighed.
" I can't argue with you, Princess ", I said.
I ate the fish from her light blue talons.
" Good girl ~ ", She praised.
I almost spit out the fish right then and there. My (S/c) shaded themselves with a shade of deep coral red. Anemone just chuckled a little.

' What is this feeling? ', I asked myself quickly.

I quickly snapped out of my thoughts because there was a large fight that broke out. I wasn't sure what it was originally about it there was some blood being shed.

It was between a MudWing and a SkyWing. Suddenly, The SkyWing was thrown in the direction of the princess. My adrenaline quickly surged through all my limbs. I caught the SkyWing before they smacked the princess. I gently put the SkyWing a couple of feet away from where Anemone was.

Suddenly, A big MudWing came into the room. It was Clay, one of the staff here. He asked what was happening and then they talked it over or something, I didn't listen and to be honest, I didn't care.

I twisted over back to Anemone. She had a shocked expression across her face. Then, She smirked at me as I came back over.
" My beautiful knight in shining armor ~ ", She swooned at me. My scales flushed again.
" I'm just doing my job, Your majesty ", I scoffed while flustered by her comment.

- Timeskip -

As the day went by, the princess kept flirting with me.

' Does she like me that much?... No. No. No. It can't be. She couldn't love me. She's the princess and I'm just a one messily bodyguard. It would be unusual for a relationship to blossom ', I thought.

It was getting late and Anemone was getting ready to sleep. I was outside the sleeping cave as I was instructed. I twisted my neck and head to peek at the princess. I looked away when I knew she was there and alright.

- Very small Timeskip -

I yawned at my post.
" Hehe, You're so cute ~ ", I heard a voice giggle behind me.
I turned to see Anemone. She came in front of me and slightly pushed me into the wall. She gave me a quick kiss and pulled away.
" Goodnight ~ ", She cooed as she went back into her sleeping cave.

I put my talon on my mouth for a couple of moments after that.

What just happened.

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Published: October 3rd, 2021

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