Silk (Blue X reader)

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Blue X FlameSlik! SilkWing! Gender-Neutral! Reader

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Small A/N:

To introduce Pantala and its tribes, have this oneshot :)

Now (as I'm currently writing), I'm finished with The Lost Continent and going to read The Hive Queen soon.

(End of A/N)

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• Warnings •

This contains slight angst and some yandere-like vibes. But don't worry, it isn't yandere or too angsty. No blood or anything hehe.

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(S/n) - SilkWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

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♡ (S/n)'s POV ♡

I watch the new SilkWing as he explores the factory. His name is Blue. He looks quite cute, if I'm being honest. He doesn't have his wings yet, which is unfortunate. I wonder how they would look. Mine came in just 3 days before. So, I'm still getting used to mine myself.

Suddenly, His arm gets slips into a hole near the wall. He stays there for a couple of moments. Then, He goes back to his den. Then, as usual Admiral is complaining. I glare at him for a moment as he makes a scene. I scoff and roll my eyes. I spot Blue and his sister sneak towards that hole from earlier.

I ready myself and I shoot myself towards them. Luna tenses up as I came over on her side.
" It's alright, I'm friend. Not foe. ", I quietly reassure her. She nods but gaves Blue a confused look.
" This is (S/n). They're nice. ", Blue explained.
" Ah. ", is all Luna said as we continued.

Then, Danaid helped us escape through a tunnel which was under the hole before. Soon the HiveWings all hissed and tried to stop us. We got away though. They didn't follow us all the way through.

As we all got out, I watched as Blue watched his HiveWing friend, I think her name was Cricket. He was looking at her with a warm and loving expression. Like he was fully admiring her and he only had eyes for her.

I wanted Blue to look at me like that. Not her. But, I'm sure he loves her instead. I mean, I barely know Blue and they know each other a lot more than I do. I have known Blue for a long time, ever since school. I've admired him for all that time. But, I could let it go.

- Timeskip -

I was fighting off some HiveWings. Then, I notice one flying straight for Blue. I growled at them.
" DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM! ", I roared, slamming my head into the HiveWings side.
The HiveWing flew and tumbled a bit away from me. I turned towards Blue.
" Are you okay? ", I asked him.
" Yeah, I guess... ", He said, weakly.
I came over to him and draped his talons over me. They layed on my back, near my (s/c) wings.
" Here, I'll fly you to safety. ", I stated.
" No, I can still fight. Even if I'm wingless. ", He protested.
" No, you can't. You're exhausted. You'll be going into your metamorphosis tonight. You need to be safe and away from these evil HiveWings. ", I explained. He huffed in disagreement, but he didn't struggle as I lifted him and flew off.

After a while of flying, I found a deep and safe cave to hide in. I landed carefully and brought Blue inside. I layed him down softly on the ground. He groaned as he felt the ground. His wrists were burning bright now. He tried to lift his head but couldn't. I stroked his face and neck for a moment. Then, I kissed his forehead.
" It's okay. You're alright. I'll keep you safe and I'll be here when you wake up. ", I reassured him.

Then, blazing orange silk flew out of his wrists. The silk grabbed the ceiling, holding him firmly. The silk wrapped around his entire body. He was a pale orange cocoon now. I smile at the sight.
" Atta boy. ", I simply said.

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Sorry if this is kinda bad. I did the best I could do with the info that I currently have. Also writing a 'Blue X reader' is kinda hard anyways (at least without being yandere-like) because of the already OBVIOUS love interest for him. But anyway, take this trash and I hope enjoy the more Pantala oneshots in the future :)


Published: Jan. 15th / 2022

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