Only MY King (Queen Wasp X Reader)

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Requested by: @MunchkinThe

Yandere! Queen Wasp X Male! HiveWing! Reader

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Part 2 of ' My King '

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(H/n) - HiveWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

(F/c) - Favorite color

(F/g) - Favorite gem

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☆ 3rd Person POV ☆

(H/n) has been put on max security ever since he first escaped the cruel and nasty HiveWing queen's clutches. His (f/f) collar was ever wrapped so tightly around his (s/c) neck. He has to have it on at all times, it is unfortunately mandatory. However it was kept shiny, which (H/n) could appreciate at least. The (f/g) embedded into the (f/f) collar twinkled as he walked, giving him a pretty and soft aura. Even if it was to show that he belonged exclusively to the queen.

Now, it has been a very long while since the (s/c) HiveWing first escaped. Queen Wasp trusts him a bit to walk along the castle walls with a bodyguard, of course. Never alone. Wasp knows he's too smart for that.
' He'll quickly find another way to get out. With that clever brain of his. ', Wasp would say.

Now, even with these paranoid setbacks, soon Queen Wasp gave him permission to help rule the kingdom. As long as he was accompanied by two HiveWing guards, which were very loyal to the Queen. (H/n) agreed to this as it was better than being stuck in the same room for hours. Plus, he was told many times that he would make a good king.

The new HiveWing king sat on the throne. His (e/c) eyes kept moving throughout the whole room as he'd never been inside in this room before. As stated, two very strong-looking HiveWing guards sat at the sides of him. Both stood up straight and tall. They seemed to tower over everyone, other than King (H/n), of course. The other HiveWings and SilkWings felt quite intimated by them. (H/n) was disappointed at this, but he told himself it was natural. Queen Wasp is quite possessive of him after all.

- Timeskip -

It had been quite a while since King (H/n) had taken control of the kingdom. Queen Wasp was out and about, doing queen business, (H/n) knew none of the specifics. The HiveWing and SilkWing servents and soldiers were glad that (H/n) was ruling them way better than Queen Wasp has. They were treated a lot better under him. They all loved him.

Now, with ruling, come royal and important visitors, however the queen wasn't glad about this as she should be.

King (H/n) sat on his throne with a bright smile on his face. His (s/c) scales gleamed brightly. He was draped in a (f/c) robe that glittered with small shards of (f/g) at its fluffy cuffs. His collar rested on his neck, still clearly visible with his robe. Also, a golden and silver crown, of course embedded with (f/g), curved around his horns and rested lightly on his (s/c) head. His (e/c) eyes gave a sweet gaze to anyone in the throne room.

King (H/n)'s attention was quickly shifted towards the door when a unfamiliar HiveWing strutted inside. The HiveWing was flanked with two guards of their own, one being a SilkWing and the other being a HiveWing. (H/n) looked at them all for a long moment, trying to figure out who they were. The visitors were equally surprised by they all spotted (H/n) sitting on the throne.

" Where's Queen Wasp? ", The unfamiliar HiveWing asked.
(H/n) opened his mouth to speak, but one of the guards beat him to it.
" She's out doing royal business. It is none of your concern. You may answer to King (H/n) until the queen returns. ", The guard stated in a strong and powerful tone.
" A king? I didn't know we had a HiveWing King. Especially not as attractive and adorable as this one ~ ", The HiveWing answered, smirking at the end.

King (H/n) blinked his (e/c) eyes in surprise.
Was this HiveWing serious? They were brave enough to try to flirt with him? Especially when he was already claimed by the nasty, yet powerful Queen Wasp? Like either they were very dumb or very brave. Or maybe even both.
(H/n) tried his best to keep his distance as much as he could. He worried what Wasp would do to them if she heard them right now.

- Short Timeskip -

Queen Wasp buzzed her wings as she arrived in her throne room. She was a bit excited as she knew that she was see your beloved again. However, she wasn't met with a happy sight.

King (H/n) was with another HiveWing. The unfamiliar HiveWing was draped in fancy clothes, so they were either very wealthy or just from Jewel Hive. However, it wasn't the appearance that really upset her. It was the fact that they were flirting with him. She knew now she had to take matters into her own talons.

She strutted over, her head held high and her black eyes narrowed. (H/n) was the first to spot her, quickly a nervous expression appeared on his face. After Wasp got close enough, she knew she need to alert her presence because the mysterious HiveWing never took notice to her.

Queen Wasp cleared her throat loudly. Finally, the HiveWing took notice.
" What do you- ", They cut themself off as they saw it was Queen Wasp, towering over them.
" What do you think you are doing with my property? ", Queen Wasp growled, baring her sharp teeth.
" N-Nothing, your majesty. ", They stated, taking a step back.
" You better not have. ", She snarled at them.

Then, She turned to (H/n) with her black gaze soft on him.
" Come. You must follow me. I need to discuss something with you. ", She told him.
" Alright. ", He replied, walking by her side.
Wasp curled her tail around his (s/c) flank as she took him into another room. After they were alone, Wasp looked at him with a intimidating expression.

" Who are they? ", She integrated.
" They told me that they were a powerful noble. That's all they told me. ", He answered, honestly.
" Why were they flirting with you. ", She asked with a slight growl in her voice.
" I don't know. I'm not interested in them, I swear. ", (H/n) told her, nervously.
" You better not be. You are mine, my little flower. Nobody else's. ", Wasp stated, protectively.
" Yes, I know. I belong to you. ", He recited.
" Good boy. Now, please go to your room for me. I must take care of them. ", She ordered, starting to move away.

Queen Wasp was almost to the door when (H/n) grabbed her talon. She looked back at him. He had a pleading expression.

" Please don't hurt them. They probably forgot that I'm yours. ", He asked of her.
(H/n) gave her puppy dog eyes, his (e/c) eyes glittering into her black ones. Wasp groaned at him for a moment. However, eventually she had to gave in.
" Fine. I'll try my best not to hurt them. But no promises. ", She reluctantly agreed, sighing.
" Thank you. ", He said, smiling.

Then, He planted a small kiss on her cheek. The Queen blushed a bit and she sent him a genuine smile.
" Love you ~ ", He cooed, waving to her.
" Love you too, my lover boy ~ ", She teased back, waving as well.

After he left her sight, she looked back at the door.
" You're lucky, pathetic noble. Someone absolutely perfect has decided to spare you. I must go easy, however I still don't show any mercy to anyone who flirts with MY KING. ", She whispered to herself, glaring at the noble in the other room.
Then, she slipped inside.

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Hello there! :D

I hope you enjoy this part 2! :)

Published: Sep. 2nd / 2022

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