A connection (Qibli X reader)

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Requested by: DontBotherMe230

Qibli X Female! NightWing! Reader

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(N/n) - NightWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

(F/f) - Favorite flower

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

(N/n) drafted a wing around her sister.
" Come on, Moon. It won't be so bad. I know it. ", She comforted, telepathically.
" I know, but still. We're different from everyone else. What if they judge us for it? I don't want to cause so much trouble for everyone. All the other NightWings haven't gotten their powers and we're the only two that have gotten these powers in 2,000 years! Shouldn't you be nervous too? ", Moon ranted, shuddering slightly, running many possibilities in her head.
" Of course, I'm nervous. It makes us stand out. But, you know what? That's what makes us special, you know? You're special, Moon. And you shouldn't hide that. Now, come on, we just got here. Try to make some friends for me, alright? ", (N/n) told her, reassuringly.
" Alright, I'll try my best sis. ", Moon replied with a small smile appearing on her face.

Secretkeeper looked at her two daughters with a confused expression. She doesn't always understand why her children had mind conversations. Well, at least they are mostly quiet. Even if both of them are already shy.
" Now, you two, stop your mind talking and go on. ", She told them with a smile.
" Alright, mom, we will. Love you ~ ", (N/n) replied, grinning.
She then turned to Moon.
" Come on, Moon. Let's go. ", She whispered to her.
Moon nodded and a small smile slipped on her face. Both the NightWing sisters slithered into Jade Mountain Academy.

- Timeskip -

Quickly the two NightWing sisters had made friends, in their own winglets. And soon, Moon decided to introduce someone to her sister.

" (N/n), I'd like you to meet someone. ", Moon prompted.
" Sure, bring them in. ", (N/n) replied, smiling at her sister.
" She's ready. Come in. ", Moon shouted to the doorway.
Quickly, sandy yellow scales appeared from the doorway. The SandWing walked over to Moon and (N/n). He had a warm smile on his face. He stopped walking as he got to Moon.
" Qibli, this is my sister, (N/n). And (N/n), this is Qibli. ", Moon introduced.
" Nice to meet you. ", Qibli told (N/n) with a smile.
" Yes, nice to meet you too. ", (N/n) agreed.

- Timeskip cause plot reasons -

Overtime, Qibli and (N/n) had gotten closer and closer to each other. They've gotten to be best friends. They worked together when defeating Darkstalker. They were an unstoppable force against him. A sly and confident mind-reader and a smart and quick witted fighter against all evil. A true force to be reckoned with.

Qibli also started to admire the (s/c) NightWing a lot. He adores her confidence in her mind reading abilities, even due to her shy like nature. He relates to her in how he feels isolated at times and how she and Moon were isolated in the NightWing tribe, due to their powers. He just mentally clicked with her in a relatable and almost emotional way. He felt as he understood her. He loved that kind of connection. He dearly held onto that connection. It eventually built into feelings for the (s/c) NightWing. All Qibli had to do was tell her how he felt.

It all started with Qibli giving her (f/f) every once in a while. Then, he would give her small gifts that he thought she would like. It kept getting bigger and more obvious as time went on. However, it seemed to Qibli that she was very oblivious or she was too shy to make the first move. So, he quickly thought of an idea to tell her, bright and clear.

- Timeskip -

(N/n) was sitting at the lake, which Qibli asked her to meet him that night. The three moons shined brightly from the sky. Their light was soft, yet brightly upon the lake's surface. (N/n)'s (e/c) eyes traced lightly upon the water, taking in all the small details of the lake. However, the (s/c) NightWing started to become a bit impatient for Qibli as the time kept passing slowly.

' Where is he? ', (N/n) thought.
' Why hello, (N/n). ', A mind spoke.
She blinked her (e/c) eyes and shot her head towards the voice of the mind. It was Qibli. Qibli quickly picked up his skyfire, shutting his mind off from the (s/c) NightWing. A smile quickly arose on (N/n)'s cheeks and her (e/c) eyes widened with joy. Qibli walked over to her and sat down next to her.

" So, why'd you want to meet me here? ", She asked.
" Well, I need to confess something to you. It's been going on for a really long time. ", He admitted.
(N/n) gave the SandWing a patient look, waiting for him to continue. Qibli couldn't help, but to smile at her before he went on.
" I think I love you. There's so much I admire about you. You're so special. I could go on and on about you, but I'll keep this short and sweet. Will you be mine? Will you be my brave and beautiful NightWing? ", He confessed with a red blush streaked across his scared nose and yellow cheeks.
(N/n) let out a small gasp. A grin quickly smeared her face. Out of impulse, he gave him a quick peck on the cheek.
" Yes! Yes! Yes! ", She shouted with delight.
Qibli chuckled at her, knowing that he has started a whole new journey with himself and his new girlfriend.

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Here, take the Qibli.

I hope I did well, I guess :)

Published: May 18th, 2022

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