Parental Guidance (Arctic & Reader)

727 11 14

Requested by: @MunchkinThe

Prince! Arctic X Male! Animus! NightWing / IceWing reader

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(H/n) - Hybrid name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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Warnings: Small mentions of bullying and injury. Also, A bit of blood.

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☆ 3rd Person POV ☆

(H/n) was the oldest out of his siblings. Because he was born earlier than them, he wasn't born with any NightWing abilities like his sister, Whiteout. Darkstalker being the lucky one and the most NightWing-appearing out of the three of them.

Now, also because of him being the oldest, (H/n) was the first to attend the NightWing school. However, it wasn't it didn't go as planned. Definitely worse than Foeslayer hoped it would be for him.

(H/n) was bullied at school. He was being called many horrible names by the other NightWing students. The main bullies also beat him up, causing him to fly home with bruises, bits and claw marks staining his (s/c) scales. They weren't deep enough to make scars, but they stung quite a lot.

Foeslayer and Arctic were concerned for him, so they decided to unroll him from the school. Instead, they now homeshooled him. (H/n) was very grateful because now he didn't have to carry the burden of unsafeness everywhere he went.

(H/n) was asleep in his bed, his (s/c) tail curled around him and his head rested into it. It was a peaceful sleep. However, he was soon woken up by a chill drafting over him.

Slowly, he began to open back up his (e/c) eyes.
" Come on, wake up, (H/n). ", A voice ordered him, the chill shaking him.
When he gained back his vision, he realized it was his father, Arctic. (H/n) gently rubbed his eyes with his (s/c) talons. He yawned, shaking a bit.
" Why? What's the matter? ", He questioned, looking at Arctic with a confused expression.
" Today is your first day of training. ", His father told him.
" Training? ", (H/n) questioned.
" Yes. Now, come on. ", Arctic ordered again.

- Short timeskip -

Arctic and (H/n) were in the air, their wings spread out to catch the wind. Then, suddenly, something catches Arctic's eye. He slows down a bit and nudges (H/n), who gives him a confused expression for a moment. As Arctic and him are close together, Arctic spoke up.

" There, son. The hawk. ", The IceWing pointed out, directing his talon at the bird.
(H/n) shifted his (e/c) gaze to where his father was pointing. And there was a hawk in the air, looking downwards at the ground, most likely looking for it's own food.
" I want you to try to catch it. Get it while it's in the air. Strike it before it's knows what's happening. ", Arctic instructioned, giving the (s/c) hybrid a serious look.
(H/n) was quite nervous at this. He's never caught food before on his own. Then, Arctic nudged him forward. Quickly, (H/n) tucked in his (s/c) wings and flew straight towards the hawk.

Before either him or the bird could process what happened, (H/n)'s jaws snapped over the prey's body, filling his mouth with blood. He winced a bit at the taste at first, never tasting it as fresh as this. He landed on the grass, his mouth leaking the blood onto the ground, splattering it a bit on the small plants below him.

Soon, Arctic appeared at (H/n)'s side. He looked at the limp hawk in (H/n)'s jaws. He gave an approving look and nodded at him.
" Well done, son. I'm proud of you. ", Arctic praise, smiling a bit.
A warm feeling sparked inside of (H/n), the only thing he could was smile.

- Timeskip -

Now, Arctic and (H/n) gave trained together in the evenings for a while. Now, (H/n) was learning to hunt in the water and swim. Hunting this way was giving him some trouble.

(H/n) groaned, grabbing a talonful of sand and crunching it in-between his (s/c) talon. His (e/c) gaze then fell on a sharp branch that seemed to fall off a tree somewhere. He unconsciously glided towards the branch.

" Don't. ", A voice growled in a serious tone.
(H/n) whipped around to see his father in the water, glaring at him.
" Why not? It would be so much easier if I enchanted it, so I didn't have to fish in the water. ", The (s/c) hybrid argued with frustration fresh in his voice.
" Because you shouldn't risk your soul. Plus, you need to learn how to catch fish, seals and other sea creatures. ", Arctic stated.
" But, it would be so much easier! ", (H/n) snapped, flaring up his (s/c) wings.
" I know, but there's no easy way out. You shouldn't only take the easy path, most of the time the easy path will do more harm than good. Learning things is like trial and error. There will be failures and regrets, but you learn. ", Arctic lectured him, calmly.

(H/n) looked at him, considering it.
" Now, are gonna try again or give up like a sad seal? ", Arctic asked.
" I'll try again. ", (H/n) stated with a bit of new confidence.

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POV: Arctic actually being a good father for once.

Anyways, this was a new idea! I hope you enjoy it! :D.

Published: Sept. 11th / 2022

(Edited: Mar. 30th / 2024)

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