Reflection (Darkstalker X reader)

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Requested by: QueenSilverstar

Darkstalker X Female! IceWing! Reader

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(I/n) - IceWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

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☆ 3rd Person POV ☆

Darkstalker still held a massive grudge against the IceWing tribe when he woke up and rose from Agate Mountain's peaks. They all reminded him of his father, Prince Arctic. However, he never would've guessed that he would've changed his mind, until one IceWing changed his point of view.

Darkstalker hesitated when he remembered that he wouldn't harm any of Moonwatcher's friends, which included Winter and his close friend, (I/n). Moon would say that she's an ally to her, so that meant to keep his promise he can't take on his revenge on either of the two IceWings. Which greatly frustrated him as time when on.

(I/n) was just as Darkstalker expected at first, being sarcastic, cold and stubborn. However, as he read her mind and watched her, he saw more inside than he would've thought. She was actually kind and caring inside. A very likeable dragon once she trusted you. Then, Darkstalker began to fall for the (s/c) IceWing.

(I/n) hadn't noticed the hybrid's affection at first. She believed he was just trying to be friendly and nice. However, the (s/c) IceWing was still relatively cautious around him. He was one of the main reasons that the IceWings and NightWings hated each other after all. She growled at him quite often. She wanted to keep herself at a distance as she believed he might try to captivate her with a spell.
' Not going to happen, evil NightWing. ', She repeated in her mind, regularly.

However, as time passed (I/n) felt herself gravitate towards Darkstalker. The (s/c) IceWing couldn't pinpoint why at the time. She wanted to stay away from him, but she just felt herself closer and closer to him. Even Darkstalker himself seemed to notice the pull of (I/n) getting closer to him. So, He decided to take advantage of the situation and ask the (s/c) IceWing out.

Darkstalker looked in the usual places where (I/n) might be. He even had a small smile across his lips.
' Where could she be? ', He repeatedly asked in his head while searching for her.
Finally, after a while of searching, he spotted the cold (s/c) IceWing. He quickly flew down to meet her.

(I/n) twisted her head towards the sound of heavy wingbeats. Her (e/c) eyes widened a bit as she saw Darkstalker flying towards her at a fast pace. Her first instinct was to quickly fly off, but her (s/c) scaled body stayed put.

" Hey (I/n). ", Darkstalker greeted with a soft tone.
" Hello, Darkstalker. ", She greeted back, coldly and distant.
" My, my, what's got you all worked up, my dear? I'm not your enemy. ", Darkstalker asked, titling his dark head to the side.
" Nothing. ", She replied quickly, ignoring that Darkstalker called her ' my dear '.
" Are you sure? ", He checked, looking at her with a soft gaze from his dark and ice blue eyes.
(I/n) nodded and she shifted her (e/c) eyes to the side and onto the ground.
" Doesn't look like just nothing, (I/n). How bout you follow me? I've got something that might cheer you up. ", He offered.

(I/n) blinked and looked at him once more.
" What? You do? ", She questioned.
" Yes, just let me show you. ", He stated, getting a bit impatient.
" Alright, but you better not try anything funny. ", She snapped, baring her teeth a bit at him.
Then, both dragons spread their wings and flew off.

" Come on. ", Darkstalker prompted, slipping into a small cave hole.
(I/n) rolled her (e/c) eyes at him, but followed him nonetheless. The hole was so dark inside, (I/n) could barely see her (s/c) talons in front of her.
" You better know where you're going. ", She retorted.
" Just shut your snout and keep following me. ", Darkstalker's voice barked back at her, playfully.
(I/n) scoffed and obeyed, trying her best to follow the ancient hybrid, who she couldn't even see in the darkness. Soon, she spotted light from a tunnel coming up ahead.

" We're here! ", He chirped with a smile.
The tunnel led out to one of the underground lakes. (I/n) gave him a confused and even bored look.
" Really? The underground caves? Couldn't you've found any place better? ", She commented.
" Oh, you just stop. Now, look into the lake. That's why I brought you here. ", He retorted.
Again, another (e/c) eye roll from (I/n) and then she peered into the lake. The only thing she spotted was her reflection. She was puzzled.

" Why did you bring me here again? I only see myself in this lake. ", She told him, huffing a bit.
" That's the reason. ", He snapped back, smirking at her.
(I/n) thought for a moment and then it hit her. She returned his smirk as she stared at him with a mischievous (e/c) gaze.
' Not bad, evil NightWing ~ ', She cooed in her mind.

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Hey, take this one. I know it's not very flirty or anything, but I thought it was a bit cute to do something with light flirting and romantic tension. I hope it's alright and I hope you enjoy this one, I guess. :)

Also, enjoy the Darkstalker vine. I thought it was kinda funny (Also, it's not mine btw)

Published: Aug, 5th / 2022

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