Sweet accidents (Peacemaker X reader)

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Peacemaker X Quiet! Male! RainWing! Reader

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(R/n) - RainWing name

(S/c) - Scale color

(E/c) - Eye color

(F/f) - Favorite fruit

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☆ 3rd person POV ☆

Hope looked down at her son, Peacemaker.
" Sweetie, you should go play with the other dragonets. ", She suggested, getting the small hybrid's attention.
" Now? ", Peacemaker questioned, looking up at his mother.
" Yes, it will be good for you. You could make new friends. ", She told him with a smile.
" I do like friends. ", He stated.
" Yes, now, come along. ", She ushered, flicking her wing as a following gesture.

Peacemaker looked at all the dragonets like him before his eyes. However, one particularly caught his eye. A more reserved appearing (s/c) RainWing with calm (e/c) eyes. Peacemaker felt drawn to him and was very compelled to meet him.

" Hi there! I'm Peacemaker, what's your name? ", Peacemaker announced, after getting close enough to him.
" I'm (R/n). Nice to meet you, Peacemaker. ", (R/n) greeted, slowly.
" Could we be friends? You seem really nice. ", Peacemaker asked, smiling.
" Sure. What's the worst that can happen? ", (R/n) agreed, nodding.

- Timeskip -

Over the years, Peacemaker and (R/n) became best friends. They were the closest of all the dragonets. No wonder all the other RainWing and NightWing dragonets would tease them about it. Both Peacemaker's and (R/n)'s friends were pushing them to make a move. They all couldn't understand why they couldn't be a thing already.

Peacemaker just woke up from a nap, yawning widely, revealing his fangs and sharp teeth. The sun felt warm upon his dark scales, due to his RainWing heritage, he felt very rejuvenated after his sun-time. He breathed in the fresh air, stretching out his dark rainbow splattered wings.

' Can't wait to see (R/n). Wonder where he is. I should go find him. ', Peacemaker thought, emerging from his comfy, sun warmed hammock.

(R/n) slowly munched on his (f/f) that sat half-bitten in his (s/c) talon. A smile appeared on his face has he tasted the flavorful juices. He watched the other RainWing and NightWing dragonets from afar, glancing over them carefully with his (e/c) eyes.

(R/n) jumped, startled, as he heard a familiar voice shout his name.
" (R/n)! (R/n)! (R/n)! ", The dragonet hollered, accompanied by fast wing-beats.
(R/n) quickly peered over towards the origin of the voice with his (e/c) eyes. He quickly spots his crush, Peacemaker, closely approaching him.

" Oh hey, Peacemaker. ", (R/n) stated, greeting him with a kind, yet calm smile.
" Whatcha doing? ", Peacemaker questioned, dropping down next to (R/n).
" Nothing much, just eating this (f/f), the usual. ", (R/n) told him.

With that, (R/n) popped the rest into his mouth. After swallowing, he turned back to Peacemaker.
" So, what you up to? ", (R/n) questioned, glancing at the hybrid.
" I did just wake from some needed sun-time. Favorite part of the day. ", Peacemaker told him, smiling.
" Sun-time is very important, after all. Keeps you vigilant, even if there's no dangers in the Rainforest. ", (R/n) observed, with an approving nod.

Soon, silent fell upon the two. Peacemaker looked at the other dragonets with (R/n) by his side. It was nice. This silence wasn't awkward, but it was calm and peaceful.

" Do you know how lovely you are? ", Peacemaker asked, not looking away from the others.
(R/n) almost choked on the air hearing this. He tried to keep his expression to calm, and tried to keep pink from spreading over his (s/c) scales and ruffs.
" What? ", (R/n) peeped out, gazing over at Peacemaker.
" Oh, ummm, you are very lovely. ", Peacemaker expressed, feeling a light blush upon his dark cheeks.

" Do you really think so? ", (R/n) urged, feeling that blissful emotion in his heart, chest and throat.
" I do. I've always thought so. ", Peacemaker admitted, chuckling a tad.

" Actually, I think you're sweeter and more wonderful than a strawberry. ", Peacemaker confessed.
(R/n) now couldn't stop the blush from appearing upon his (s/c) cheeks and the ridge of his (s/c) snout. His (e/c) eyes became wide, yet tense. He looked around in a flustered panic.

There, he spotted his friends looked over to him. He flicked his expression over to them, desperately. However, they gave him a thumbs up and an approving nod.
' Guys! Don't leave me here! ', (R/n) pleaded, wishing one of his NightWing friends was secretly a mind-reader, which, unfortunately, was not the case.

" Don't you love strawberries? ", (R/n) remarked.
" Yes, but I also love you. ", Peacemaker admitted.

The sound of a talon slapping across a mouth was heard.
' I did not just say that. I did not just say that. I did not just say that. ', Peacemaker's mind screamed, repeatedly.
Out of embarrassment, Peacemaker fled.

" Wait! ", (R/n) yearned, reaching his (s/c) talon out towards him, but it was too late.
(R/n) sighed, looked down, his (e/c) eyes saddening.
' I didn't get to told you that I reciprocate your feelings. ', (R/n) admitted.

- Very small Timeskip -

Peacemaker's mind yelled as he cringed at himself. You can't just admit to your crush that you love him! What if he's not into guys, especially you!?

However, Peacemaker flicked open his ears as his heard the sounds of wing-beats. He turned his neck to see (R/n) approaching him, staring right at his eyes with his (e/c) ones.
' What is he doing here? He'll probably make fun of me... Wait. He wouldn't do that, what am I thinking. ', Peacemaker worried.

" Hey. ", (R/n) greeted, peering over the hybrid in his hammock.
Peacemaker was silent, the only sound being the pounding of his heart.
" So, I was thinking about the thing you said. ", (R/n) prompted.
" And I wanted to say that I love you too. ", (R/n) admitted.

A joy filled Peacemaker's expression.
" Really?!? ", He expressed.
" Yes, now, would you mind moving over? ", (R/n) ushered.

With a nod, Peacemaker shifted over to one side. (R/n) agilely slipped into Peacemaker's hammock, feeling the hybrid's dark scales against his (s/c) scales. Without hesitation, the two curled and wrapped around one another. It was a warm and soft embrace.

' This ending was sweeter than strawberry and (f/f) pie. ', Peacemaker thought, cuddling into (R/n).

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Have some strawberry flavored fluff! >:D

Also, enjoy your supply of cuddles <3

Published: Dec. 13th / 2022

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