Prologue- PART |

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I dislike everyone I know in this family...

"Don't throw that glass at your sister, you might shatter it!"

"She has the guts to walk down those stairs in the morning, I wish I never saw her again."

"She's so strange, she's always alone."

"You're the reason she's dead, I wish you would just disappear!"

"I hope she gets hit by a car."


She just sat in her small room where there was barely space for her small bed. She held her phone, which she had saved up for herself.

Taking her headset over her ears, she was enchanted by the calm music while the loading screen showed.

This was her escape.

A world that was far beyond her reach. Still, it was the place she felt most safe.

As she entered the game she could play for hours.

Teyvat was beautiful.

The newest thing in the game was when Sumeru was leaked. She couldn't wait for the release.
She couldn't wait to see her favorite character again.

She felt weird thinking about it, but she kind of understood him. The feeling of abandonment and betrayal. Maybe that's why he's her favorite.

"I wish we could both be happy."


She held her bag of take away in her hand and walked out of the small fast food diner.

When she opened her umbrella and walked out from under the roof she could hear the rain colliding with it.

So peaceful.


"Get the hell out of my house!"

A vase was thrown right next to her head, causing it to break against the wall.

Y/n's eyes were wide in shock as she had just walked back into the house.

"I'm done with you get the hell out!" Her father screamed at her.

Her three older brothers all stood in the living room, looking in towards the kitchen where he had been yelling.

They didn't stand up for her. They never did.

"What?..." She simply asked.
The bags under her eyes were visible, it was obvious she didn't get much sleep.

"He said get the hell out!" One of her brothers yelled from the living room.

She was being kicked out. In the end, she always knew this moment would happen sooner or later.

That was a terrible thing... knowing that their hatred would build up to this.

She hates this family.
No. That's not the right word.
She hates this group of misthrown trash.

"...u... y..." she muttered.

The father hit his fist in the wall. "Speak louder you idiot!"

"Fuck you!" She shouted back.

She never shouted back. The three sons of a bitch all stood in the living room with wide eyes.

And the bitch himself stood in front of her, growing angrier by the moment.

"I didn't ask for anything from this family! Yet you couldn't stop asking from me! 'Y/n go get the food', 'Y/n go answer the phone.', Y/n this, Y/n that. Go fuck yourself!" She clenched her teeth and hit her lip until blood was trailing down her cheek.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now