An unexpected turn of events

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Y/n pov:

I cannot permit Kuni to interact with the three sob's (sons of a bitch).
But maybe I should tell him what's going on.
Not everything of course, but the most important part.

That my ass relatives are trying to drag me back to my past. He will understand that we need to run away from Inazuma. And then we can go to Sumeru.

The three sob's shouldn't know a flying crap about Teyvat. They won't tolerate it as easy as I managed to when I arrived here.

They might leave Teyvat when they realize how strange this world it, because as it seems, they've not been much outside of the city.


I held Kunikuzushi in my arms while we were sitting on the floor.
I was sitting on my knees with his head under my chin, he was laying his face above my chest, which I didn't mind at the moment.

He had completely stopped crying at this point and instead was silent with his eyes closed, meanwhile I stroked his hair.

"Hm... you're so pretty Kuni..." I whispered. I tried to sound sweet, hoping he would feel reassured.
"Porcelain skin, with such nice and soft hair. You could make anyone jealous with your looks." I rambled on.

"You're flattering me... why?" He spoke.

I chuckled, might as well just say it. "Maybe we should leave Inazuma." I answered him.

"The two of us?" He asked again.

"Of course. Just the two of us. We can live at the beach in Liyue, or the mountains of Mondstadt, or the forest of Sumeru, there are so many options." I said while continuing to brush my fingers through his hair.

"Leave Inazuma... I would love that." Kunikuzushi said while he wrapped his arms around my torso, still leaning on my chest though.

It made me happy to hear that he liked the idea of leaving, so I hugged him tighter.

"The sound of your heartbeat is so nice..." he said after a few more moments. "So comforting." He added.

My knees were starting to ache after kneeling for so long, but after hearing him say that, I braced myself through it and decided not to move.

"That's a good thing." I told him.

He looked down towards my knees. And I could tell he saw how they were slightly shaking.
"Does it hurt you to sit like this?" He asked, lifting his head from my chest after probably 10 minutes straight of laying there.

"It's alright, it doesn't bother me." I lied. I must admit, I missed feeling him so close to me.

"No, we shouldn't sit on the floor anyways. Not for that long." He stood up.

Usually, people who live in Japan will be used to kneeling for probably a lot longer than 30 minutes, but I never really sat down anywhere with others, so I never got that training.

I felt how stiff my knees had gotten as I was trying to stand up.
Kuni put his hands out in front of me.
I didn't hesitate and held both of his hands as he pulled me up from the floor with ease.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now