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Y/n pov:

The more I ran, the worse I felt.

I left Kuni alone in the cottage, I was putting Yin and Yang in danger by just existing. Dottore certainly wasn't happy about how I treated my last kidnapping.

The experiments... I couldn't remember them. I was asleep for most of the time I was there. The only experiments he did on me were observing my actions. As if he had never seen a demigod before.

I felt like an entertainment animal. He watched me eat, sleep, and escape. He wouldn't have invited me back unless he was prepared now. And I had no weapon, no vision, no plan.

He wouldn't leave me with Yin and Yang again.

Deep inside me... I felt that the experiments hadn't even begun last time. But I wouldn't resist this time, not if Yin and Yang were in danger.

I was out of breath as I felt my legs get tired of running.
The sight of the meeting area finally came. I saw no one around yet.

When I ran around the last corner, I was about to stop running. But then as I turned, my eyes laid upon a fatui agent aiming right at me with a crossbow.

My eyes widened and a gasp left me when it felt like everything slowed down.
He pulled the trigger, and a small dart went straight for me. I had no idea what it contained, but I wasn't planning on finding out.

My feet came to a stop, pushing myself backwards despite the speed I had turned the corner at. I leaned my upper body back, seeing the dart soar right by the front of my neck.

I stabilized my body, staring up at the shooter. Unexpectedly, he lowered his crossbow when he saw his shot had failed.

I panted slightly, looking around me in a hurry, expecting another shooter. I didn't spot another one though.

I heard the sound of a one manned applause.
My gaze snapped in front of me, watching a man step up.

His presence sent a chill down my neck, he seemed like a high ranked man. Not a harbinger, but someone with power.

"The Doctor was correct... your reflexes are admirable." He spoke.

"Who are are you supposed to be? His jester?" I asked with a glare.

He let out a obviously fake chuckle. "The Doctor is a busy man. He couldn't show up himself so he sent me. Daughter of reincarnation I assume?" He asked.

I cringed at the title. I started talking, "Drop the introduction, where are-"
"The foxes... alright alright, quite impatient you are." He cut me off and said.

He lazily jerked his arm to his left and a fatui agent stepped into sight, one cage in each of his hands. Yin and Yang both barked as they saw me.
I could tell, they were both thinking I had a plan.

The man in front of me made an annoyed expression at the loud noises the foxes were making. I threw them a small glance and they quickly shut up.

"What do you want? Negotiations? Samples?" I asked. The man smirked before answering. "You're on the right track. An experiment needs a test subject." He started, he took a small breath before he continued speaking.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now