Finally leaving, right?

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Y/n pov:

It's been two days since I spoke to Yuuma and since Kuni found out about my feelings.

"We could sell most of this." Kuni said as he looked through a couple of boxes which were only filled with kitchen supplies.
We've been working on moving out as soon as possible. But we are being held back by the fact we have quite a lot of stuff here.

We plan on selling it before we move, so we have as much mora as possible.

"It might take a few more days though..." I said. I didn't want to be here longer than we had to. Only yesterday, Yuuma tried to speak to me again, and I had to pretend not to know him again. I don't know how long my act will last.

"Yeah, I guess we'll have to stay here for another week." He sighed in defeat. He wanted to leave as much as I did.

I bit the inside of my bottom lip, stressing slightly. Inazuma just felt like a big cage at this moment. It felt like we had the key, but had to reach the lock before being able to escape. And the lock was very high up right now.

"Is there a reason you want to leave so? You look almost deflated by the fact we have to stay here for another week. It's not that bad here." He said.
Obviously he had to catch on.

I never got another chance to tell him about my 'brothers' being here.

I looked in his eyes for a moment, thinking of how to properly word it. "Remember when I told you about my relatives?"
I asked him and he nodded. "Remember when I also said they wouldn't be able to reach me here?" I asked and he nodded again.

"Well... I was wrong." I said. His eyes blinked a couple of times as he understood.
"They're here?" He asked.
I nodded. "They want me to go back with them. I've managed to trick them by pretending to have amnesia, but it won't work forever." I explained.

"I see." He said. He then looked back towards the box. My eyes followed his, which were looking at a couple of kitchen knives.

For a moment I was about to scold him for not wrapping them up properly, but then my eyes widened. If I denied going back to Tokyo with them, would they force me to?
By killing me?

A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of my relatives purposely trying to kill me 'for my own good'.

I would do whatever I had to, to make sure they wouldn't be able to do so.

I need to dream the right dream soon. I'm getting sicker by the minute.


I spoke to a man who wanted to buy our cottage. I will admit he was willing to spend quite an amount to buy it. He said that him and his wife were looking for a place for themselves. It was understandable. The cottage was alone on a small hill in the forest after all.

He handed me a card, "Here, just take this to the bank, the money is on it." He said and gave me the confirmation papers as well.

We gave each other a respectful bow each before he left.

With the money we got for the cottage and the stuff we sold, we'll be able to afford a small place to live in while looking for something permanent elsewhere in Sumeru.

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