We'll be very close one day

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Y/n pov:

My feet were dipped in the ocean as I enjoyed the nice air.

Just the fact that I was here made me smile over and over again, it made me feel so warm.

I went from hell to this.

I took a deep breath.

I've been in Teyvat for two weeks now, yet I still can't believe it's real.

Did I worry about what happened to me back in my past life?
No, not really.

She's probably dead right now.
I wonder if anyone will come to her funeral...
Will they even arrange her funeral?

Every time I thought about that past life I couldn't stop referring to that woman as her.

I didn't want to think about her as someone I am now.

I sighed happily and stretched my arms above my head.

Then I felt a ball of sand hit the back of my head.
I heard a laughter.

I turned with an annoyed expression. "Kuni!" I shouted, wiping away the sand I had in my hair.

He only laughed more and turned away from me, I probably looked like a fool.

But I still smiled, a real smile. He looked happy. This caused me to chuckle a little as well.

His laugh was similar to the one I would hear the the game when he did something evil and was proud of himself.
However his laugh now didn't hold any evil intentions, it was relaxed and expressive.

I've been friends with him for two weeks now.
As expected, he didn't have many other friends. Only a few.

By the time of Teyvat, he should already have been abandoned by The Electro Archon.

I will never leave you, so don't become a villain, please.

I crouched down into the sand with a smirk and made a ball of sand.
He met my eyes, and as soon as he saw what I was doing he backed up.

"Hey... let us calm down!" He said with a nervous grin.


"Your hair is quite long." I said as I walked next to him. His long purple hair reached down to his lower back.

"Yeah, I have been thinking about cutting it shorter," He started saying, holding a piece of his front hair while looking towards me. "What do you think?" He asked with a close eyed smile.

I smiled back. "I think it would suit you."
I know it would suit you.

We walked a little in silence, walking out of the small city and towards the woods.

"You never told me much about yourself." I said as we walked.

I know almost everything there is to know.
But if I want to save him, I need him to not only trust me, I need him to rely on me.

That being... I need him to know I will be here to hold him if he ever feels like he need it.

"Neither did you." He answered me in a calm tone as we kept walking.

During our two weeks of being friends, we never told each other a lot about ourselves, two weeks isn't enough on my part to open up that quick.
He definitely feels the same way.
However I don't know exactly how much time I have, hopefully enough to build a strong bond with him.

Maybe I need to take the first step.

"I do not have a lot of friends, which is why I am happy to have you now." I said smiling in his direction.

He seemed glad. "Then let us stay with each other, I am glad to have you too."


We kept walking in comfortable silence, meanwhile I went back to my thoughts.

He was discarded because he shed tears at his own creation.
He wasn't fit to be the puppet of an archon.

I can't say I disagree with how Ei felt.
But at the same time I can't say I agree with the way she handled it.


The sun went down behind the mountains. Me and Kuni watching it.

"What vision do you think you would have been given if you ever were given one?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "What a weird thing to think about." He said.

I raised an eyebrow. Was it really? I thought it would be a normal think to think about in Teyvat.

"You really think so?" I asked confused.

"Yeah, I do not hear people often wondering such. Why, do you think you will ever get a vision in the future?" He asked curiously in return.

I hummed. "No, not really. But I am sure you will." I smiled.

"What, me?" Kuni said in a weird and questioning tone.
"I doubt that, I do not think I am worthy of that."

My smile faded.
'I do not think I am worthy of that.'

"Do not say that." My expression was sad, but I tried my best to hide, I couldn't rub my sadness off on him. Not now in this happy moment.

"Even the simplest people who do the simplest things are able to get a vision." I said, thinking of certain people from the other regions who will receive visions for barely anything.

He dodged the question for himself and instead asked me. "What vision do you think you would get?"

I sighed. "I do not know."

He then stood up, and I took notice of the fact that the sun was completely down now. It was dark outside.

"Let us leave, it is not safe to stay out this late in the woods." Kuni said as he looked down at me.

I chuckled and teased him, "Do not worry Kuni, if you are scared, remember that I will protect you."

He looked at me with a blank expression for a moment as if I had just said an unfunny joke. But then he snorted and raised an eyebrow at me.

"Sureee" He went along with it, using the same teasing tone I used.

I rolled my eyes and put a finger under my eyelid and stuck my tongue out, mocking him.
He returned the gesture.

It had become our little thing.

Kuni held his hand out for me and I grabbed it, he pulled me up to my feet.
He let go of my hand and then we walked back into the woods.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now