
9.9K 572 708

Warning: blood/slight gore.

Y/n pov:

My first instinct was to run. And so I did.
I ran through the forest towards the city. I had left my bag back at the porch so I could run faster, there was nothing too important in it, Kunikuzushi was fetching the mora so I had nothing to worry about.

Other than being chased of course.

If I was correct, Daichi would be chasing me with a knife right now.
I left the path so I would be harder to find.

"Y/n! Don't be selfish now!!" I heard him yell.

I felt stressed, my heart was beating faster.
I wanted to yell for Kunikuzushi and hoping he would hear me, but I was scared that Daichi would hear me as well.

I didn't realize how fast I was actually running.
I didn't know if I was still going in the right direction.

My heartbeat was the only thing I heard as I ran.

Which way am I going again?

"Y/n!" Yuumas voice sounded stressed. Was he afraid that Daichi would kill me brutally or was he afraid I would get away?

Then suddenly from my side view, I saw Daichi reach out towards me. My eyes widened in fear. When did he get so close?!

As he was about to grab me, I reached into my pocket, grabbing something and then with a click, I swung my arm out towards him, hoping to create distance.

It worked, he backed away quickly in fear.
He breathed heavily as he had just avoided death himself.

We were standing near a cliff, I hoped I would be able to throw him down this time.

I stood there, a knife in my own hand.

I hoped it wouldn't come to this, because I didn't think I could beat him in a fight. He was trained after all. That was his deal, the physically active one. Whether it was by bringing a whore home or if he actually trained, none of us knew.

"You could have killed me..." he clenched his jaw, clearly not happy that I was fighting back.

I felt blood from my mouth trail down my jaw, and my head started hurting. Not the right moment...

So, before I got weak enough to actually collapse and let them kill me, I attacked again.
I swung my knife out towards his throat again as he backed up.

"You're sick, you should be thanking us for trying to save you, ungrateful brat..." he spat.

He stepped forwards, going in for a strike, but then, Yuuma moved in front of me, blocking our ways. "This is not the way to do it Daichi!" He yelled. Daichi had stopped his attack.

But I wouldn't miss this opportunity.

Yuuma flinched and his eyes widened as he was stabbed from the back.
I sunk my knife deep into his neck and twisted it, I could feel the knife coming out from the other side of his throat.
I retracted my knife and he then fell to the ground, dead.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now