Our last meeting

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3rd pov:

Kunikuzushi walked back up the hill, sighing in annoyance due to the long queue at the bank.
He had gotten the mora cards though. Now he and Y/n could leave, finally, like they wanted.

He saw the house. When he reached the house, he saw Y/n's bag laying on the porch. But where was she?

He looked around for a few moment and knocked in the door.
"Y/n? You in there?" He asked loudly. No response.

He hummed and took a walk around the house, looking like a lost puppy.
He walked back to the porch and sat down.
I'll wait for her to come back then.

He didn't know he'd be waiting for a while...


10 minutes passed by.

Kuni sat on the porch and sighed, looking through her bag to see if there was a reason she left it here.
Nothing seemed wrong with the bag.


30 minutes passed by.

His face slightly fell as he stood up and took another walk around the house.

She'll be back soon... he thought. And so he sat back down.


And hour had passed.

He clenched his fist.
We were supposed to leave today. What the hell is she doing?


He felt something aching inside him. Something in his chest.

What is this feeling?...

He clutched the cloth over his chest as it felt as if his movement were staggering.

Is this the feeling of a heart? That's not possible, I don't have one. He thought.

Soon enough, the sky had gone dark.

He sighed and stood up, deciding to go look for her as it didn't seem like she would return soon.


Y/n pov:

It was cold. The water was hugging my body too tight for my liking. It stung. Was it the vision that froze the water along with me?

My eyes snapped open, remembering the bloodshed that had just happened. I gasped, but regretted it as I remembered I was supposed to be in water.
But thankfully I wasn't.

I looked around at my surroundings.

My eyes then widened and I felt a tingle of happiness in my stomach.

The hospital. She laid in the hospital bed, tubes attached to her, giving her oxygen.

"Finally." I said. I took a look around the room. She was alone with me.

I walked over to the window, looking out. There was no one there other than a few doctors.

I walked towards the door and locked it. I had never felt happier being able to interact with this world.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now