The goddess Gisela

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(Very short chapter)

Y/n pov:

"Honestly, everyone loved Gisela! She was lovely!" Yae Miko said. My eyes were sparkling, hearing about my mother from such a high ranked person.

I had managed to get Yae to trail away from the topic of the gnosis and instead speak about my mother. We were sitting down on a couple of boulders.

"She used to paint the nature! Did you know she was the one of decide the color of many of the flowers in Teyvat?" Yae told me.

"She was?!" I asked excitedly. I smiled brightly.

"Yes, the Sumeru rose, the mist flower and the violet grass, I'm pretty sure." She said, thinking.

"She colored them?" Yae nodded.

"Oh my, Gisela would have loved you. I can't get over how much she resembles you!"

"Did you not know her personally?" I asked her.

"No, her time was before me. The previous Electro Archon knew about her though, they were good friends. I'm pretty sure she was friends with Greater lord Rukkhadevata as well." She finished.

"The Sumeru archon?" I asked her. She shook her head. "She previous Sumeru archon as well, she passed as well as Inazuma's previous archon." She responded.

It was silent for a moment. I only thought about my mother. No one had told me anything about her.

"Tell me sweetie... how is she?" Yae asked with a smile.
My eyes widened. "What do you mean?" I asked her confused in return.

She chuckled. "Gisela of course. I know she died in the archon war, however that woman won't stop reincarnating. You must tell me how she was before you died and came to Teyvat." Yae asked back. She seemed like some sort of mini fan of the goddess.

I would Yae hate me as well if I told her she died because of me?

"She passed away." I answered.

Yae sighed. "What's that? Her 300th life or something?" She chuckled.

I stayed silent. "She lived 24 life times before her reincarnation ability disappeared." I said.

Yae dropped her smile. "Oh... my condolences." She said. "How did that happen? I didn't know she could loose her power of reincarnation. She was the goddess of it after all." She asked again.

It scared me to tell her. But she seemed so fond of Gisela, so she deserves the truth. I'm not ashamed of being born anyways.

"She had many children. Due to that her reincarnation powers dissolved into us all. Although we all only got a second chance at most." I answered. Yae didn't say anything. She looked into my eyes, as if she could tell exactly how Gisela had died.

"Did she die during child birth?" She asked after a few seconds. I nodded, confirming her theory.

Yae hummed. "What a shame. Although I'm sure you can carry out her legacy." My eyes widened for a second. She didn't hate me.

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