The false god

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Y/n pov:

The battle went on for so long... and I had a feeling that even if we win now, it wouldn't be over yet.

Both me and Aether fought him. I hoped Scaramouche wouldn't go easy on me, however... he definitely did. Aether was thrown into the ground, the wall, and hit so many times. Meanwhile he simply defended against me.

Scaramouche didn't seem to care about my attacks at all, which was his mistake. Due to my physical strength I did a lot more damage than Aether. Scaramouche made a mistake in not targeting me.

Aether was punched to the ground, and I heard him yell in pain. As the mechanics arm was down, I jumped into the air with my dual blades, and cut down onto the arm.
It made a huge scratch, a much bigger one than the ones Aether left.

The mechanic tried to use a simply electro barrier to push me away, however I broke it down with cryo easily. Cryo beats electro after all.

As his second hand was facing me, I threw one of my knives at its palm, hoping to cut whatever was shooting elemental energy at us.

Unfortunately, it didn't cut it as Scaramouche retracted his arm as he realized my plan.
Recalling my blade, I grabbed it in my hand, holding both of my blades again.

Then I heard Aether being thrown to the ground yet again. Pay attention to me asswipe, even if you bring Aether down there will only be me left. And then you have no other choice than to fight me anyways!

I saw as Scaramouche was about to crush him with his hand and rushed towards him.
I jumped in front of Aether and created the strongest shield I could within less than a second.

I held the shield up as I felt the huge palm pressing down and almost smashing the shield.

Aether stood up next to me and immediately helped holding the hand away.

The pressure of the hand was breaking the ground underneath us. And the floor crumbled.
With a huge lightning, me and Aether lost our footing and fell down.
It caused my shield to break and we were struck a huge amount of energy.

I landed with a thud on the newfound area, avoiding some of the debris as it fell after us.
Aether landed next to me, and a huge piece of debris landed on top of him. Paimon immediately flew down and helped him lift it away.

I helped him stand up as both of us panted, exhausted by the fight.

We looked back towards the mechanic, but our eyes went wide as we saw it being connected to a second part.
There's more?!

Now, he was three times as tall as he was earlier. And probably three times as powerful too.

I locked my jaw and glared at him. I was getting tired of this stupid game of his.

Me and Aether wasted no time and got back into battle. We ran across the arena, which seemed so much larger now. I was about to slice his leg when he teleported away.
I staggered as he was now on the opposite side of the arena again.

Whatever me and Aether did, we barely managed to land a single hit.

Even if I used my enhanced speed, I was barely comparable to the speed of Scaramouche.
Throwing my cryo infused blades with full power only did so much damage, and the blade was starting to break.
And by now, Scaramouche had learned to parry my blade throws.

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