Physical love language

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A/n: I better not see the comment sections empty this chapter.

Y/n pov:

I leaned my head on Kuni's shoulder. We sat in front of the fire place, he held around me. We were catching warmth after being out in the rain.

Yin and Yang were cuddled up next to us, Yang had started healing by now. I couldn't help but notice the way we were sitting, all of us cozied up before the fire. Almost like a family.

I yawned and finally decided to close my eyes after I had felt how heavy they were.

I didn't remember when I fell asleep, but it was too warm and nice to stay awake.

I only felt the faint feeling of being lifted off the floor and laid down in the bed.

The arms that carried me were too comfortable, I wouldn't mind sleeping in them forever.
I was laid down in the bed, and felt the bedsheet being pulled over me.

Instinctively, I went to curl a piece of the bedsheet between my arms, as if I were holding someone.

I heard the steps of the person walking away, about to leave. My eyes opened and laid upon Kunikuzushi walking away from me.

"Where are you going?..." I whispered in a low voice. But he could hear me with his enhanced hearing. He turned to me. He didn't seem to have an answer to my question.

I closed my eyes again as they got too heavy to keep open, then I removed the sheet from in front of me and held it open. "Lay here..." I whispered before almost dozing off again.

Before I fell asleep I heard a small sweet laugh and felt the bed shift next to me.
I remember falling asleep in a pair of arms.


I woke up with birds singing outside, the sun shone through the small bedroom window. I felt a figure next to me. I hummed, not wanting to open my eyes yet.

Kunikuzushi had noticed I was awake now. "Good morning." He whispered. I let out a tired breath and snuggled closer to him, keeping my head under his chin.

I think I almost fell asleep again when I heard a bark. It was Yang. His bark made me wake up again, however my eyes were too heavy to open yet.

He barked again.
"Go away." Kunikuzushi told him.

I gave him a small shove. "Don't be mean to my child." I said. Then I felt the bed shift again, Yang walked up next to us in the bed. He laid himself right in between me and Kuni, breaking apart our contact. At last I opened my eyes.

"Aww, Yang, are you jealous I haven't given you attention?" I said when I saw his look.
He let out a small breathy bark, which meant yes.

My eyes deadpanned when I saw Kuni lift Yang up and put him on the other side of me, so that he laid at my back. Yang sent him a glare for this.
Kunikuzushi just pulled me closer to him and stuck his tongue out at Yang.

Yang growled at him and I could feel the glare he sent him.

"Be nice with each other." I said. I closed my eyes again.
Kuni looked towards Yang. "You hear? Let your mother sleep." He said, playing along with me calling Yang my child earlier.

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