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The days passed by. A week to be exact.

Y/n pov:

I walked with Nahida to the exit of the sanctuary.
"He's done surprisingly well. I must say, I'm happy about that." She spoke as we stopped at the door.

"He's been reforming well. I'd like to report that it's going surprisingly fast. Perhaps... soon enough he's good enough to be let free." I said back.

Nahida is unaware of my new relationship
with Kunikuzushi...

She looked at me with a saying glance. "Is there anything... I should know?" She asked.

I thought for a moment. Telling her about me and Kuni could bring trust or the opposite.
"I believe... he will be reformed quicker and better if he's released from this cage." I said, his cage obviously being the sanctuary.

Nahida nodded in agreement. "I trust your judgement. Obviously you're the one with the best perspective here. But... perhaps we should wait, just a little more. I want to be absolutely sure about his progress before we make a decision. But trust me Y/n... your opinion is heard." She said.

"That's good enough." I said. For now.

She smiled at me. "I'll take my leave then." She said and left through the door. She went to observe human activity in the city.

My smile faded away and I stared at the door for a while.
This meant he wasn't able to go freely yet. Which is only inconvenient. Because I've snuck him outside a lot this past week.

The thought of him still using me to get outside and be released still lingers in the back of my mind.
What if he abandoned me immediately after he's been released?

Nahida doesn't know of our relationship or my - and possibly his - wish for us to live together.
So if she saw him without me, and he had decided to abandon me, she had no say in it. He would be free after all. He would have earned his freedom, and I would have no right to linger around him like an insect.

A small insecurity burdened my chest as it tightened around me.

But thankfully, a few other words lingered in my mind as well, making my feelings even on both sides of this situation.

"I love you"
He had said those words first. Looking right into my eyes and telling me with such comfort.

A smile found itself on my face again, making me comfortable.


A whisper right behind my ear spoke, causing me to jump at least three steps towards the door.

I turned around immediately, and had it not been his pretty face, I would have thrown hands.

Kunikuzushi smiled at me, probably happy with his sneak attack. His smile was quite real and it was more of a 'got you' smile instead of a 'you're so weak' smile.

Somehow, his smile made up for the scare. And instead of scolding him for it, I chuckled.

Of course, to prove my trust in him, I've left his door open for him to come and go as he wants, when I'm around that is.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now