Never changing feelings

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Y/n pov:

I stepped outside my small cottage, a small tower of books in my arms.

The trees surrounding my cottage did nothing to shield my eyes. The sun shone down and met my
them, causing me to squint. I sighed and closed them, letting the sun meet my face to get my eyes used to the light.

Mornings were the worst.

I kicked the door closed behind me. As I walked away from the cottage, I could hear a few fishes in the pond next to me.
They were meeting the surface with their faces before diving down again, creating a rainy sound.

I kept walking down the path, out of the forest, on my way to the city.


It's been a month.
I've had enough time to move into a small cottage in the forest. Almost as if it was a miracle, the perfect one showed up.

It was close to a pond with fishes and frogs. I was met with birds singing every morning. As well as a few of my animal friends in my surroundings.

I've been into reading as well lately, it's been a good way of letting time pass.


My feet met the city grounds as I strolled through the flock of people. I held the books tightly to my chest as I walked past them all, minding my own business.

I heard chirping as I stepped up the first pair of steps into the main market. I looked into the sky and saw a familiar small bird soaring around the mass of people.

I stretched my hand out and allowed the bird to rest inside my palm. This however, made my books tougher to carry with simply one arm.

I kept walking through the crowd, doing my best to not to accidentally touch shoulders with anyone.

That's when I felt someone harshly nudge my shoulder, pushing their way past me through the crowd. As they did so, the bottom book in my stack was tugged out of place, causing the stack to fall.

The bird in my hand flew into the air in surprise and flew off. I sighed in annoyance and crouched down to pick up my stack.

Thankfully, no one in the crowd paid me much attention, and they all kept walking, not throwing me a single glance.

When my hand laid upon the first book to pick it up, another's hand beat me to it. This caused my hand to land upon theirs.
"Let me help you." He said. I frowned as I recognized the voice. Looking up, I was met with Kunikuzushi's indigo eyes.

I knew very well that had it been anyone else, Kunikuzushi had wouldn't bat them an eye.
Somehow, we kept running into each other all the time. Even when I did my best to avoid him, it felt as if he approached me on purpose.

He would attach himself to me like a bee to honey every single time we bumped into each other. And I had no idea why. As far as I knew, he hadn't gotten his memories back.

"Ah... thank you." I said, and he picked up most of the books as I had the few rest of them.

"We're you going to the library with these? Let me help you carry them." He spoke. He held some of the books in one of his arms, and he even helped me up like a gentleman.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now