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"It took four betrayals for me to finally understand: the world is just an elaborate tapestry of lies.

My fury will never be quelled.

The first to betray me was a god, my creator... my mother.
Valuing strength above all, she saw no worth in me, and I was discarded.

The second was a human, my family... my friend.
Consumed by fear, he saw me as an abomination.

The third was one exactly like me. A hope for the future... a fledgling barely out of the nest. Powerless before his mortality, he broke his promise to me.

The forth was the last straw.
She who continuously promised to never leave. She who was just like me, abandoned and alone. She who had my entire heart, and then broke it. In the end she got cold feet and ran.

People... they can't be trusted, and the gods fill me with pure loathing; so I said 'good riddance!'.

I denounce the world and laugh in its face. My chest will never be defiled again with worldly filth.
I will scrub away every last trace of human emotion.
Then it will be empty, a blank slate; and ready to receive a supreme gnosis, brimming with pure divinity.

Hehehe... ahahahah! There is no need to fear. The pain will be brief... your era...
Is coming to an end."

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