Pre - Reincarnation

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He stared deeply into my eyes. "Y/n, if you kiss me now. I will take it as a yes to stay with me. Forever."


Y/n pov:

I felt the wind pass by my arms and hug my body as I fell. The sound of air passing my ears stopped the falling from feeling relaxing.

I fought the small current of wind as I raised my hands to my ears, stopping the loud sound.
My eyes scanned the surroundings, a void was all I could see.

My falling decreased as I felt the wind stop. Gently, I landed down on a rough surface. Looking around, I recognized the new area to be Tokyo, Japan.

It was night, and raining. I was now sitting on a side walk, dressed in my Teyvat clothes. My appearance hadn't changed away from my time in Teyvat.

The air felt unreal. As if it wasn't even there.

I stood up from the ground, looking around. For some reason, I didn't really question what was happening.

I looked down the road, a familiar house standing, lights on. My eyebrows narrowed at the undesirable sight.

Instead I turned on my heal and walked the opposite way, trying to find the reason I was here now, and not in Teyvat.

I raised my hands and checked them out as I didn't feel the rain drops on myself. That's when I saw how the water went through me, as if I was an illusion or a hologram.

My focus averted from the rain when I heard footsteps, running. I turned around as I heard them approaching from behind me.

My eyes immediately widened at the face I hadn't seen in years. The girl that ran, myself, ran right past me.

I recognized the familiar setting now.

How many times had I already been shown this sight 500 years ago?

I'd completely lost count at this point.

I gasped and turned around, running after her, feeling slightly obliged to.

I could see her wet (h/c) hair dance with the wind as I ran behind her. She was wearing the same hoodie and the same sweatpants she always wore.

Further down the side walk, I saw another figure approaching in front of us. The person had a hoodie over their head, covering their face perfectly. Their hands were in their pockets. They looked slightly lost, looking around.

My focus averted back onto the girl I was following. She would soon be put into a coma by the car, and for some reason... I wanted to see it happen.

My feet slowed down when she at last turned left. She checked both ways before stepping foot into the road.

My eyes were blinded by the car lights approaching in one hell of a speed. I stood still and it felt like everything went slow.

She finally noticed the car and had probably realized this was the end for her.

But before anything could happen, my eyes snapped over to the unknown figure stepping after her into the road. They grabbed her arms and pulled her back. Just in time.

I will save you (Kunikuzushi x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now