chapter 2

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so this is Gaur Plain i said as we looked at the view till we saw smoke rising from beside a body of water, It looked like something happened there said Reyn. we head where the the smoke coming from.

as we find out what happened and we saw a broken buggy, which confuses me as it looks fairly new, so no one would just abandon it. so what is that thing said y/n, well that a buggy and you can driving it i said.

cool said y/n as we get closer to the buggy, who would leave this buggy said Reyn as i touching the buggy, has a vision showing a young boy being chased by some giant monsters near a small lake.

we need to find this kid i said as y/n and Reyn nod, we search around the area until we find a boy being attacked by two giant monsters. I ordered him back, and then y/n flew over to the first Berserk Ardun to Tail Swing it to us.

then he fought the second one as it charged at him, as we beat the first Berserk Ardun and we turned to see y/n lift the Berserk Ardun by its horn and in the air with his wing. i never knew he can use his wing like that said Reyn.

i know i said as we watch y/n slam the Berserk Ardun to the ground and end it in one go, The boy walks to and thanks us and tells us that his name is Juju. we introduce ourselves and Juju tells them about his camp.

saying that we can stay there as a "thank-you" for saving him. After giving us instructions on how to get to the camp and I fixed the buggy, we headed there. on the way, Juju asks why y/n looks like that, so y/n told him what he is.


when i am done telling Juju about me as a Telethia, we reach the camp and see his sister coming out of the camp. scolds Juju for trying to return to Colony 6 alone, before hugging him in worry. After the two separate, Juju introduces his sister to us and she tells them her name.

After that, Sharla grabs Reyn and demands to know what happened to Gadolt, her fiancé, since he has the Defence Force uniform on. Reyn pushes her off, telling her that he has no idea who she is talking about; Shulk explains that they are from Colony 9, not 6. Juju tells her that he offered to let them rest for a while, and Sharla agrees.

as Skulk and Reyn follow Juju to the camp, Sharla walks to me, so your name y/n right said Sharla. that right i said, Juju told me that you're a Telethia said Sharla as i nod. let me see you can use your wing to hold my hand said Sharla as she holds her right hand out.

so i used my right wing to hold her hand and she was shocked that i can do that, half an hour has passed and i was helping some nopon with some boxes. then i saw Juju driving off in his buggy.

i look at the nopon and the nopon looks at me, i put the box down where it needed and the nopon thanks me as i nod to him. i ran to the other and i saw Skulk, Reyn and Sharla run to me, hey y/n you know where Juju heading said Sharla.

i do and he heads that way, out of the camp i said, oh no he would have most likely headed towards Raguel Bridge, since it is the safest way via buggy to get to Colony 6 said Sharla. What's going on i asked as Skulk sees a vision of a giant Mechon killing Juju and Sharla.

we will tell you on the way said Skulk as we head out to find Juju, as we are running to Raguel Bridge and Sharla told me what happened till Reyn called out. hey guys, i found the buggy and Juju not here said Reyn.

where is he i said, there is Spiral Valley and i hope he is alright said Sharla. i hope so said Reyn, hey y/n can you fly ahead to find Spiral Valley said Shulk as i nod and start to fly ahead of them. i didn't know he could do that said Sharla.

then as i fly high enough to see Spiral Valley and show the other the way.


We arrive at Spiral Valley and y/n land next to us, thank y/n for showing the way i said. your welcome and as i am about to land, i saw a Mechon there and it got Juju with it said y/n as Sharla was shocked to hear that.

oh no said Sharla as she ran ahead of us, Sharla wait... we need to hurry said Skulk as we follow Sharla. as Sharla saw the Mechon holding Juju in one of it tentacles and she  started to shoot at the Mechon.

Shulk remembers that this is where Sharla dies in his vision and i saw a new symbol appears on the Monado as Shulk creates an aura around Sharla, lending her an impressive amount of speed  to dodge the tentacles emerging from the ground.

we start battling the Mechon and hear y/n say Ether Shot and launch it at it, then y/n know the Mechon planning and jump back as the tentacle comes out of the ground. so y/n garb the tentacle and pull on it so it can't use it.

then Shulk saw y/n doing and knew what to do, I watched Shulk use the Monado to cut the tentacle through and y/n toss the tentacle over the side. We are about to end that Mechon but it retreats to the roof of the valley.

so we went after it and battled with it again, i saw y/n fly on top of it and used Multi Ether Laser on it. then Shulk ends it with the Monado and Mechon let go of Juju so i run and catch him in my arm.

the other ran to me and to see if Juju okay, Juju your alright said Sharla. i'm alright Sharla said Juju, we breathed a sigh of relief, then Shulk talked to us. there was a different Mechon in my vision said Shulk.

then at the same time another faced Mechon, rounder and more bulky than Metal Face, soon appears above us. I've been waiting for you, Monado Boy said Mysterious Mechon, that Mechon can talk said y/n as he was shocked.

so you are that kid who scarpered Metal face, i thought you'd have to be this big scary monster but, you're just some pathetic kid said Mysterious Mechon as it gets ready to fight us. we fight it and we deal no damage it.

then y/n get behind it and about to attack it but the Mechon swings behind himself to knock y/n away from him and grab Juju too. we kept fighting until i saw Shulk about to be killed until the lights on the Mechon body changed colour from red to green.

well it is my time to leave and you want to head to Colony 6 to the kid or he will be next to be eaten said Mysterious Mechon retreats to Colony 6. no i said as i saw Sharla faints so i pick her up and carries her.

let go back to the camp Shulk as we follow Shulk.


i was waiting for Shulk and his friend to walk down from Spiral Valley, then i saw them coming so I hid behind a rock and watched them. i saw y/n look around as if he was being watched, so I waved at him and he walked to me.

so who are you and why do you want to talk to me? said y/n, oh you see... someone wants me to tell you about you going to meet someone you have feelings for at where you were born i said as y/n know what i talking about.

wait you mean at Makna Forest said y/n, that right and you ask me about who i am, well my name is Micheal9999 but you can me Micheal i said. alright Micheal... so what are you asking y/n, i am a knight and i am on a hunt now i said.

well good luck on your hunt said y/n, thank and good luck for planning to save that kid i said. i will... wait a minute said y/n as he is about to turn around, i teleport away as he look around till he back to the other.

good and at least i told him about a girl he fell for i said to myself as i teleported away.

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