chapter 28

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Vanea... Where have you been? asked Egil, Egil, why do you go so far to destroy the Bionis? We survived that battle. We should have created a new world in which we could live in peace said Vanea.

And we still can... said Vanea, The rage of those who were annihilated by the Monado will never dissipate said Egil. Think not about avenging the dead. Think of the living. Please, Egil! I don't want to lose you. Are you so resigned to giving your life for this? asked Vanea.

Life or death, I care for neither of these. The agonised cries of our brethren resound within my ears. Until they are silenced, I am deaf to all else said Egil. Egil... said Vanea as she heard us coming.

So you have finally arrived. Heir to the Monado said Egil, You are Egil, leader of Mechonis i said. That i am. Of course. You have never seen me outside of my Face - Yaldabaoth. But even if I am without it, you will never defeat me said Egil.

Wait. I didn't come to fight you i said, Cowardice? Then relinquish the Monado and kneel before me said Egil. I didn't come to surrender to you either. I just want to know something i said, You have my undivided attention. Ask your question said Egil.

I've seen the legends of the Machina right here in the capital, I think I understand why you want to fight the Bionis. But why send the Mechon to attack the people of Bionis? i asked, Egil just laugh.

I don't see the joke! We share the same world! The Homs, Nopon, High Entia and Claw marks Telethia live in harmony, so why not the Machina too? I asked. Tell me, boy. Are you familiar with the concept of starvation tactics? asked Egil.

Of course i said as Reyn doesn't get it, A military strategy in which you cut the supply lines and starve out the enemy said Dunban. So then you understand that that is the best method by which to ensure victory said Egil.

I have no resentment or hatred  for the peoples of Bionis. I am simply depleting the Bionis' energy. Striking back at the titan that robbed my people of their lives said Egil. I don't understand i said, Perhaps you need me to put things more simply said Egil.

All life on Bionis exists purely to feed its master! said Egil, What?! i said. Ether, the base element of all things that exist in this world. My body, your bodies... You are aware that ether is the foundation of them all? asked Egil.

Yes i said, Ether is power. You are the source of that power. All life that is born from the Bionis dies, and is returned to the Bionis. Unlike the Mechonis, the Bionis feeds on ether provided by those who return to it said Egil.

Upon the moment of its eventual awakening, it will require an incredible number of lives said Egil. But that means... said Fiora, What're ya talkin' about?! Are ya sayin' we're just food?! said Reyn.

It was the Bionis that created you for such a purpose. Not I said Egil, So you attacked Bionis to reduce the Bionis' power supply? i asked. Correct! You are nothing more than bugs to be devoured by my sworn adversary said Egil.

Do not speak to me of your foolish dreams of unity said Egil, Foolish? We only grieve for those we've lost, as you do! Machina or Homs we've suffered the same! Don't tell me it's different! i said.

Indeed. We have both suffered said Egil, So then... I said. You doubt my convictions, my reasons. In order to avenge my people, I have risked everything. Can you say the same? asked Egil. yes, we can. To get this far... we've fought long and hard i said.

And yet, you do not fight me. Your words are useless. It is only strength that can prevail! said Egil. Shulk... This whole thing stinks, but he's got a point! said Reyn, Agreed, Egil, leader of Mechonis! The lives of the Machina and the lives of all that lives on Bionis are one and the same i said.

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