chapter 20

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At least he's out of the way. Now we just need to get inside said Reyn as Shulk nod, They're in there. Fiora and the golden Mechon, when we were about to head to the fortress and we heard Shulk called out for Fiora.

Shulk!, What's up?! ask Reyn, Did you see something? ask Dunban. No... said, You did see something said Dunban, All right. It was the silver Mechon... Fiora. She's definitely inside the fortress said Shulk.

All right. At least we know what to expect said Dunban as we head out. we take out some Mechon on the way and we are near the entrance, Here's our way in said Reyn. There's no turning back said Sharla as we look at Shulk.

We can't let them find us. Let's move! said Shulk, Right! said Reyn as we walk in. we are in the room where we see some Mechons there, Fiora's in here somewhere said Shulk, Let's get looking. Keep your eyes peeled said Reyn.

I'm ready for anything. I'll trash any Mechon that tries to mess with us! said Reyn as Shulk nod. as we walked around to find something to get the lift verification device turned on and as we did find a Mechon and it got a Fortress Pass Key.

So we head back to the lift and we use the key, we enter the lift and head down. then we are on the next floor down and we head to the next room and we press a button and head in. Where are we? asked Reyn.

Looks like the control room for an ether blast furnace, There, look at that said Sharla. So this is what supplies the Mechon with ether energy said Dunban, Shulk! What's that?! Looks like fun! Riki want to ride! said Riki.

We didn't come here to mess about, furball! Time to bounce on! said Reyn. Hold on! If we can stop that piston, we might be able to shut down the blast furnace said Shulk. Nice idea, cut off the Mechon's ether supply said Sharla.

Riki say we try! said Riki, Yeah, but how are we supposed to stop something that massive? ask Reyn. If we can stop the turbines driving the piston, it should work and the turbines should be nearby said Shulk.

Right. Let's search for them said Dunban as we started to search for them, when we head to each room and we found a Mechon in the first room so we take it out. the first turbines turn off and we head to the second room.

When we are about to the second room but i notice y/n not with us, wait... where is y/n? i asked. did he go ahead of us? asked Reyn, let's see if he there said Shulk. as we near the next room and open the door.

An Mechon falls to the ground as the door opens up, how did... said Sharla as y/n show himself. Hey guy said y/n, so you went ahead said Shulk as y/n nod. Then Shulk presses the button and turns it off.

So we head to the Piston Control Room and we press the button to turn off the whole thing.


Nice one! We did it! said Reyn, This should prevent them from mobilising any large Mechon squads for now. Hopefully we've improved the allied force's chances said Dunban, Hold steady, my brother said Melia.

Friends! Here here! said Riki as we walked to him, It looks like the door's been unlocked i said. Nice, let's get down to the blast furnace said Reyn. If we're lucky, Fiora Might be down there i said.

We headed to the blast furnace and took out a lot of Mechon on the way, we found a lift panel and got on the lift to bring us down. As we stopped and we saw a lot of Xords lookalikes and at the same time we get off of the lift.

Shulk, is that? asked Melia, Spear ones! Loads and loads of spear Mechon! said Riki. It looks like they are getting ready for a battle said y/n as we hear something and saw some Mechon, we start running and face Fiora Mechon.

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