chapter 13

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We are heading to the Tomb and i was surprised to see Kallian shock, as we walk out the transporter and we are at the Tomb. This is the Tomb, Defensive measures prevent intruders from entering i said.

You will have to circumvent these to move within the Tomb i said, One thing before we enter. Alvis, you can see the future, like me? ask Shulk. I am from a long line of seers dedicated to serving the imperial family i said.

My visions help to protect the empire i said, But you're a Homs... said Shulk. Yes, but that is for another time. My ancestry is not easily explained and my ability to see the future is equally complicated i said.

You might say i have my own ritual, is it not the same for you ? i ask. No. My visions appear suddenly, without warning. At first, they're obscure. Then as it gets closer to the event, I start to understand said Shulk.

It seems you possess a power greater than I, I still have not seen any danger befall Her highness i said. Not much use as a seer then, are you? said Reyn, Nothing passes you by, does it? Now you see why i asked for your help. What a lucky coincidence that i happened to see you in danger i said.

A coincidence?! said Reyn, But I've seen you use the Monado! said Shulk. The Monado has been passed down the imperial line for generations. The sword of the Bionis. It is compelled to do its master's bidding i said.

Magnified greatly, it has the power to control the very fabric of our world - ether. Control the ether and your will is made reality. I willed it, and it happened. That is all. Perhaps due to that power, the High Entia sealed away the Monado for centuries i said.

Eventually, it found its way into the hands of the Homs, and then you, Shulk. A coincidence or something more? You must discover this yourself. For you are the one who wields the Monado. The Bionis is stirring i said as we enter the Tomb.


The ancestral altar lies deep beneath the seals. What trials await me, I wonder? I must not lose focus! said Melia as she walked down the hall. as she walks near the door and then hears a voice call out.

2512 cycles since last visitor. State your name and purpose said the voice, Melia Antiqua. I have come to be judged on my legitimacy to the throne by the ancestral spirits said Melia. Permission granted. Commencing analysis of genetic data said the voice.

It starts to scan her and open the door to her, Melia walks through the door and as Melia walks in, the door closes itself. back to us and we entered the same room, It's so cold said Sharla, There are remnants of ancient spirits in here said Dunban.

This is no ordinary chill said Dunban, As I explained before, Dunban, the defence systems are designed to prevent uninvited-i said as i look back to see Reyn and what he is planning to do. well, what does this do? ask Reyn.

Don't touch... i said as he touched it, it scanned Reyn and opened the floor under us. we fall in and i heard y/n shout something, Reyn you fool shouted y/n.


As i walked through the hall and i heard something so i looked and saw nothing behind me, as i looked in front of me and i saw someone there and i jumped back. who are you and why you here i ask the person.

Oh i didn't mean to scare you and my name is Micheal, to answer the question why I am here is, i am looking for enemies in this place said Micheal. alright but how did you get in i asked, well when the door opened and I teleported right in said Micheal.

You teleport in... i may keep walking i said, how about this... i will help you till you go to the right place said Micheal. alright then you may i said as he follows me through the hall, as we enter the next room and a light bridge show, so we walk on it.

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