chapter 23

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we head back to Linada and talk with her, So, are you Mechon? asked Dunban. In one sense we are, and in another we are not, It is a fact that the weapons you call the Mechon were created by our civilisation said Linada.

However, we were born from the Mechonis. By your understanding, it would be correct to say that we are the same as Mechon said Linada. A form of mechanical life born of the Mechonis... Is that correct? asked Melia.

From our perspective, you are forms of organic life born of the Bionis said Linada. Life born of the Mechonis... So there is life here, just like on Bionis? asked Shulk. Explain to us why you invaded our world. What did we ever do to you? asked Dunban.

I understand your feelings, but please... There is much yet to tell you said Linada. Dunban, please hear her out said Fiora, but... said Dunban. These Machina... They're good people said Fiora.

Fiora? asked Shulk as Linada walked to Fiora, You do not look fully functional said Linada. Ever since she was given this body, she hasn't been feeling too good, but we honestly don't know what to do said Shulk.

Do you mean to tell me you are not Machina? Why didn't you tell me sooner? asked Linada, I'm OK, really said Fiora. Nonsense! I am a doctor, do not worry. I specialise in people in your situation said Linada.

Just as I thought.  You were transformed into a Face unit. You are experiencing a functional breakdown in multiple locations, I will take her to my laboratory. The chief will answer your questions said Linada.

He is waiting for you in Junks said Linada, For us? asked Reyn as Linada nod. We will speak later said Linada, Shulk, I'm... said Fiora, Fiora... said Shulk. Don't worry. I'll keep an eye on her i said, Thanks said Shulk.


We walked in Junk and headed to the leader, when we walked in the room and we saw the leader. Hah! He's massive... said Reyn, I get a kick out of seeing people's faces every time! said big Machina.

See Miqol... they will be surprised said someone as we know the voice and we turn to see y/n there. y/n i shouted as he walk to us, hey guys and hey Melia said y/n as i was happy to see him again.

So what happened to you? asked Shulk, Well i will tell you guys but we have to wait for the other said y/n. All right said Shulk, We were told that you were waiting for us said Dunban, That's right. I've been waiting a long time. Waiting for you to accept my request said Miqol.

Request? i asked, But first let me ask. The sword the young man is holding. Is that the Monado? asked Miqol. It is said Shulk, And the destruction of the fortress on the sword. Was that your lot's doing? asked Miqol.

Yes. Although unfortunately we were unable to stop Egil said Dunban, Egil? asked Miqol. Do you know him? He claims to be the leader of Mechonis said Dunban, This Egil that you fought is one of our people, He is my son said Miqol.

Your son? asked Dunban, Actually, my request is about him as well, I want you to kill Egil said Miqol. You want us to kill your son? That is no small request said Dunban, There are hardly any of us Machina left on Mechonis said Miqol.

Back when the Bionis and the Mechonis were fighting, the Bionis almost completely wiped us out. But not before the claw mark Telethia kinds helped us, I suppose the Bionis just didn't want both of us around said Miqol.

Lady Meyneth fought the Bionis for us and the claw marked Telethias fight against the normal Telethias to keep us safe, In the end, the two titans wounded each other and entered a deep slumber said Miqol.

Also all the claw marks Telethia has been killed in the battle but one lives and hurts very badly, he told my people about a prophecy that a Telethia born from two kinds, one from Telethia and one from another, will save the claw marks Telethias from a being who tried to end them said Miqol.

wow said Shulk as we were shocked, yes and the Telethia that told my people also passed away so once we saw y/n has the claw marks and that means he will save his kind said Miqol. yes and Miqol told me about that said y/n.

Who was lady Meyneth? i asked, The creator of Mechonis. You could say that she is the Mechonis itself said Miqol. You talk like you saw all this. Ain't this all just an ancient myth? asked Reyn, I know I look young, but I'm actually quite old said Miqol.

I saw the whole thing with my own eyes said Miqol, You can't be serious?! said Reyn. The people of Mechonis must have a longer lifespan. Just like we High Entia live far longer than Homs i said, I get that, but he can't have lived that long said Reyn.

But why do you want your son dead?, From what you've told us, I would've thought you'd want us to destroy the Bionis rather than kill your own son said Shulk. Egil was a brilliant young man. Clever, strong and kind to the less able said Miqol.

But he never forgave the Bionis for what it did, and he swore to take revenge said Miqol. So he wants to do to us what the Bionis did to the Machina? asked Reyn. Correct. Egil is trying to eradicate all innocent life on Bionis said Miqol.

He has to be stopped said Miqol, Didn't you ever try to stop him? asked Dunban. We tried, once. A lot of people were killed. He's blinded by revenge. Even lady Meyneth herself couldn't convince him to stop said Miqol.

Where is Egil now? asked Shulk, Most likely the Mechonis capital. He's trying to restore its former glory all by himself said Miqol. I feel sorry for him said Shulk, What're you talkin' about?! Did you forget what he did to us?! said Reyn.

I haven't forgotten, or forgiven! But Egil's clearly suffered a lot in his life. You don't feel any sympathy at all? asked Shulk. All I know is, this stinks. Who cares what he's been through? asked Reyn, Reyn! said Shulk.

I understand about Egil. But why us? You should be aware that Shulk's sword, the Monado, has the power to destroy Mechonis weaponry, It's said that it was once the sword of the Bionis. Doesn't the very sight of it make you quiver? asked Dunban.

Zanza... Just talking to myself. If you're gonna kill Egil, you'll need all of that sword's power. That's how strong Egil is. But enough talk, you must be tired. Take your time and think it over said Miqol.

Until the young lady's treatment has finished feel free to spend time in our village said Miqol as we nod to him and head outside as Shulk heads to Fiora.


As we were waiting for Shulk, i was thinking about how I am going to tell Melia about my feelings for her. Then we heard Shulk walking out of Junk, So how is Fiora? asked Dunban. Well she needs a Plezoelectric Unit for her treatment said Shulk.

So where to get that? asked Reyn, At Digit 5 Beach to that part said Shulk as we were about to leave. Hey Shulk I called out as he stopped and turned around, What was wrong y/n? asked Shulk.

There is something i want to ask Melia and it is very important to tell her i said as Melia heard me, oh! sure thing y/n... We are getting something from the shop first and when you are done, meet us at the shop said Shulk as i nod to him.

As the other heads out and Melia asks me something, So y/n... what you want to ask me said Melia. do you remember the day we met? i asked. yes i do and that the day the Telethia attacked me and the soldiers with me when we headed for Riki home village said Melia.

Yes and that day i started to have feelings for you i said, well y/n... That is good and that also the day i started to feel for you too because of what you said when you going to fight that Telethia said Melia.

Really i said, yes y/n said Melia. there is another thing... when we leave Alcamoth... there was something i wanted to ask you but i didn't have enough time i said, so what is it you want to ask? asked Melia.

Well... I want you to be my mate i said, what? said Melia was shocked. I know it too fast... But i want you to be with me and i will be fine with your answer i said as Melia put her right hand on the left side of my face.

Of-course i will be your mate said Melia as she kissed me on the lip and i slowly wrapped my wing also my arms around her so I could continue to kiss her. when we were done kissing, we should go help Shulk now said Melia.

Sure thing and thank you for becoming my mate i said, your welcome y/n said Melia as i remove my wing and my arms around her and we head to the shop to find Shulk and the other.

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