chapter 16

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We heard what Zanza said, you have no right to say that shouted y/n. your kind is imperfect to the other Telethia i have seen said Zanza, my kin has the right to live our own way said y/n as we saw a ether shot started to form in his hand.

Then we saw Melia walk in front of him, y/n... please said Melia as we watch y/n stop the ether shot from forming. sorry about that Melia... i will stay away from him said y/n, alright y/n said Melia as y/n walked away from us.

As Shulk tells what happened, Yes. It was this constraint that gave rise to faced Mechon. Mechon which cannot be destroyed by the Monado said Zanza, Meanwhile outside of prison Island, Metal face and the other faced Mechon keep moving from getting hit by lighting attack.

This is beginning to wear thin said Metal face as he fires his attack but his attack go around the Island, the Island attack again and Metal face move away from the attack and head to the top of the Island, Now, where is it?, where's this power coming from? said Metal face as flying around looking.

As till he found something, Is that...?. So, he's come out to play! That's cheating. can't have that. This is gonna be good said Metal face as he flies up over the top of the Island, Try and stop my new toy! Catch this Zanza! said Metal face as he about to launch his new weapon.

Back to us, These shackles... They must be the reason the Monado can't hurt people as well, Does that have something to do with the faced Mechon? said Shulk. You must find that out by yourself said Zanza.

I will remove those shackles for you. But you must take the Monado and free me from this prison, Free me and the Monado will cut down anything you wish. Nothing but a god can stand in your way! said Zanza.

Don't do it, Shulk! said Melia, But Melia, why? asked Shulk. Something's not right. The forefathers must have had a good reason to seal him! And what he said about y/n clan said Melia, I need that power. I thought you of all people would understand! said Shulk.

I do... but... It's just... said Melia, Hold on a minute! He only said he'd release this new power, Sounds like a good idea to me said Reyn. But... said Melia, Melia, please understand, I must do what I set out to. The Mechon must pay! said Shulk.

As Shulk, Reyn and I remember what happened to everyone in colony 9, Young Shulk, I will not force you, I ask for nothing in return, It is your choice said Zanza. I will say Shulk as he turns on the Monado and slash the shackles off of Zanza.

A gold light shows up and Zanza free from his shackles, Heir to the Monado. Your will shall be done, Let the shackles be released! said Zanza as the gold light glows more. this party's over! said Metal face.

We turn to something that hits the barrier and land right in Zanza chest, Zanza said Shulk as Zanza was killed in front of us. We turned to see Metal face there, It's him said Reyn, Metal face! said Shulk.


Sorry we're late to the party!, What do you think of our leader's gift? said Metal face. How did you know we'd be here? i asked, What's that?, The poor insects are a little confused? We're here for the old fool! said Metal face.

If he's dead, he can't power the Monado, You being here's just an added bonus! said Metal face. then another Mechon showed up, A silver-faced Mechon! said Sharla. i saw Shulk running at the silver-faced Mechon!.

Mechon!, You will pay for what you've done! Shulk shouted as y/n ran to our side, Please wait, I mean you no harm said Silver-face Mechon. Give us back Fiora!, Give her back! said Shulk as he was about to attack the Mechon but Metal face blocked the attack with his claw.

I told you to stay outta the way, boy! said Metal face as he knocked Shulk back, Shulk said Dunban. Weak! Weak and pathetic! said Metal face as we started attacking him, me and Dunban attack Metal face legs but he knock us away.

Dunban said Melia as she was using arts on Metal face and y/n launch Multi ether laser at him, Metal face got hit but deal with it, Stupid bug! said Metal face as he was about to attack y/n and Melia.

Dunban saves Melia in time and y/n jumps out of the way in time too, Melia! shouted Sorean. Look at you! Worthless without the Monado!, Isn't that right, Dunban? said Metal face. What or who are you?! How do you know me? asked Dunban.

Let's see if this jogs your memory! said Metal face as he launched more attack on Dunban, Dunban moved out of the way and saw the way he moved. He moves like... But that's impossible! said Dunban.

Dunban! i said as Sharla firing at the two Xord, Cease immediately! They are not our target said sliver-face Mechon as Sharla was shocked to hear that. Any final words? said Metal face as he pointed his weapon at me and Dunban.

Die! said Metal face as he was about to fire a laser attack but got hit from behind him, Who dares? asked Metal face. Stop at once! Mechon! shouted Sorean, Emperor! said Shulk as Sorean launched more ether attack on Metal face and Metal face fall on his knees.

Father! said Melia as she ran to her father, Are you hurt, Melia? asked Sorean. No, Father said Melia, You're gonna pay for that, you bag of bones! said Metal face as he knocked us away from him.

Melia! said Sorean as he pushed Melia to save her, then Metal face stab through the chest and removed his claw. Father shouted Melia, Emperor! shouted Shulk, Looks like he's had his wings clipped!, Did you really expect to beat me?! said Metal face.


I was shocked when Metal face did and we heard something so we turned to see Shulk and the Monado changing form, It's changing form! said Melia. Be careful. We cannot withstand such power! said Silver-face Mechon.

Shulk! said Dunban, then we saw Shulk cut Metal face left arm clean off from his body. You! said Metal face, You will know the pain and suffering you caused the Emperor and Fiora! said Shulk. Desist! said silver-face Mechon as she try to stop that attack.

What? said Shulk as he took out a bit of armor from Silver-face body, Look at 'im! said Reyn. The Monado has changed! said Dunban, Is that a Homs?! said Shulk as The Homs removed the helmet.

No way! said Reyn, it Fiora! said Shulk. what? i said as Melia was shocked too, Fiora! You're still alive! said Dunban as Fiora! about to leave. Fiora said Dunban as he ran at her and so did Shulk and Reyn.

Wait Shouted Shulk, You were lucky this time, Dunban! But next time I'll slice you in two! said Metal face as he left with the other Mechon. Fiora! It's me - Shulk!, Fiora shouted Shulk, they walked back to us and saw the Emperor barely alive. 

We were too late again, I saw it, I knew it would happen said Shulk. Shulk... said Sharla, Why? Why did this have to happen? asked Reyn. Father... said Melia, Melia, the hope of our people, you must not cry said Sorean.

Don't say that! I don't care how improper it is. Let me cry said Melia, Melia... said Sorean. Why does it have to be me, if all it takes is to be half Homs? said Melia, Is that what you think? You are very much mistaken said Sorean.

But... said Melia, To become the hope of the High Entia is a fate that you choose for yourself. As long as you remember this, It is certain that you will be worthy of that name. But remember this also. It is not because you are the hope of the High Entia that i love you said Sorean.

It is because i love you that i wish for you to become that hope. Heir to the Monado... I leave the sword in your hands, The sword that my forefathers sealed away. with it, you can succeed said Sorean.

Your Majesty said Shulk, Melia. Cry for as long as you must. But when your tears are dry... said Sorean as he drew his last breath and he passed away, Father, no! said Melia as we didn't said anything till Shulk said something.

Melia, come with me said Shulk, Shulk... I... said Melia. You'll have plenty of time to think about your empire and your people's hopes. If you need me, I will be at your side. But you are an individual. You are Melia Antiqua. And you can't let them get away with this! said Shulk.

You're right. My foremost concern is making them pay said Melia as we head back to Alcamoth.


I saw the group head back from the top of the island, so Zanza... you think your plan will work... y/n friends have hope to fight for a future they want i said as i teleport away.

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