chapter 27

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We were walking out of the Data tower and we found out about what Bionis did to Mechonis people and Zanza did to y/n claw mark Telethia kind, It was all because of our world, because of Bionis, that this city was devastated said Fiora.

Now I understand why Egil would want to stop the Bionis from reawakening said Shulk, I get too, but how's killing any of us going to solve his problem? i asked. Precisely, what happened to the Machina was a tragedy, but we cannot forgive the Mechon attack on Bionis said Dunban.

What worries me is the Monado that the Bionis used, It's no different from how the legends describe, but still... said Melia. It must hold a deadly power said Shulk, But you have used it wisely, Shulk. It has not overwhelmed you as it did me said Dunban.

He's right! If you hadn't been using the Monado, we wouldn't have lasted five minutes i said. But it was Zanza who bestowed this sword upon me said Shulk, However, it is not Zanza who now wields the Monado. It is you, Shulk said Vanea.

That is also the reason why Meyneth chose Fiora as a vessel, so that the tragedy of he who wields the Monado would not be repeated said Vanea. The tragedy of he who wields the Monado? asked Shulk.

Shulk... Believe. Believe in the path you have chosen and those who walk it with you, Meyneth once said this of the Monado, The Monado is not simply a unique weapon. It is the light within each and every person in this world said Vanea.

Light? What do you mean? asked Shulk, It is the light of life, the will to survive no matter what. Perhaps lady Meyneth was drawn to your light, beyond there lies the Meyneth Shrine. Egil will be there said Vanea as she point the way.

Is it still your intention to defeat Egil? That has not changed? asked Vanea, We understand the history of Mechonis now. If he is willing to listen, we will try to reason with him. But if not... said Shulk.

I understand. Then if that is your decision, so be it, I will try to persuade Egil one last time. But I am prepared for his refusal said Vanea as she walks away and teleports too. Vanea... said Fiora. I know Vanea said she'll try to persuade him, but she didn't sound confident said Sharla.

We have to go after her said Shulk, But how do we get to the shrine from here? i asked. Up ahead is a transporter leading to the shrine, but it's inactive. We need to trigger the Verification Devices to activate it said Fiora.

We'll find one at the top of each of the four pillars. If we trigger them all, we can use the transporter said Fiora. How Fiora know that? asked Riki, Meyneth's memories... She tells me these things said Fiora.

Do you know how to trigger them? asked Shulk, Maybe my body itself is the key said Fiora. OK. Then let's get searching said Shulk as we get going.


As we turned on four Verification Devices and took out many of Mechon on the way to each pillars, we headed back to the Data tower to turn on the transporter. Now we can use it and to get to the shrine.

Once we get to the transporter and we are about to enter, but Shulk calls out, Look out! said Shulk as he slashed an attack. It's him! Gadolt! i shouted, That's the second time I've sensed an attack without seeing a vision first said Shulk.

Your mastery of the Monado is astonishing, You cannot be permitted to live said Gadolt. Gadolt, stop! Why are you fighting us?! Remember who you are! I said, It's no good! He's completely under Egil's control now said Reyn.

Remember what Vanea told us! said Reyn, I can't believe it. I won't believe it! Gadolt, please! Answer me! I shouted as he fighting us. How can you lay a hand on Sharla?! You're supposed to love her, marry her even! Shouted Reyn.

I don't know or care! It changes nothing said Gadolt. No. You always protected me and Juju, This isn't you! I said, I said I don't know you! I have been granted this body of steel so that Egil's will may be done! said Gadolt.

This body feels great! Its movement is so precise! we are unstoppable, for we are one! Perfect, in body and mind! said Gadolt. You don't have to do this! Look at Fiora, she found herself again. Whatever you are, you must still feel pain! Reyn.

Absurd! said Gadolt, Well then finish us off! Sharla 'n' all! We all saw you miss a second ago! Ain't you supposed to be a crack shot?! Or did that pile of junk you call a body mess up your aim?! said Reyn

Shut your mouth! Shouted Gadolt as he fired a whole shot at us, hit each of us but missed me. Stubborn idiot! That was your last chance! said Reyn, He's not giving up, the stories about Gadolt of Colony 6 are true said Dunban.

Except... he still can't kill her. He's missing Sharla on purpose! said Shulk, you are right about that, Shulk said y/n. Gadolt... You're just like I was, you can remember who you are said Fiora. Gadolt,  please! Don't you remember me?! It's Sharla! I Shouted.

Wither and die, as all life on Bionis will! Feel our wrath! said Gadolt. Shulk... Can you still use the Monado? asked Fiora/Meyneth, Fiora? No... You're... said Shulk. Even after losing living flesh, a Homs' heart will remain said Fiora/Meyneth.

It is still present within this Face said Fiora/Meyneth, Is that true?! i said Sharla, yes. It is clear from his actions towards you. The remnants of his heart... pull him back said Fiora/Meyneth. Gadolt... i said, I will break the curse that allows Egil to control the Faces said Fiora/Meyneth.

I need you to buy me some time said Fiora/Meyneth, OK. We'll try! Reyn! We've got to help Fiora! said Shulk, Eh?! said Reyn. Come on said Shulk, right said Reyn as we started to fight him to give Fiora some time.


As we were fighting Gadolt, i got an ideal so i flew up upward and landed on his back without him knowing. Then Gadolt was about to use his two cannons but I was using my wing to keep both cannons at bay.

Why are my two cannons not working said Gadolt as the other saw me, then Gadolt looked back and saw me on his back. How did you get up there said Gadolt as he tried to grab me from his back, the other deal enough damage to him and at the same time he grabbed me and throw to the other.

I landed on my feet and Fiora/Meyneth launched a red light from her body and attacked Gadolt Mechon. Fiora? Was that you or... said Shulk as Fiora nod, as for him... he'll be fine, don't worry said Fiora.

Gadolt Mechon fell to its knees and launched Gadolt out of the Mechon and landed on the ground, Gadolt! Shouted Sharla as she ran to him. Forgive me... Sharla, I... said Gadolt, It's OK.... It's all right now... I'm just so happy to have you back said Sharla.

While I was under his control, I realised something. Egil... Once wished only to break the circle of suffering. He believed that... If blood is split now, a new world will be born. But something terrible happened said Gadolt.

And now... Now... he is consumed with vengeance said Gadolt, Egil... said Fiora. Go! Get out of here! Stop them doing what they did to me to anyone else! said Gadolt, I promise I'll be back for you. Until then... Stay safe said Sharla as she hug him.

we walked to the transporter and I looked back to see Reyn turn to toss a water bottle to Gadolt, Drink it, You must be thirsty said Reyn. Thanks said Gadolt, Don't go dying on us. After we take Egil down, we'll get you looked at said Reyn.

You don't look like any doctor I've ever seen said Gadolt, I know a good doctor nearby. She Machina though said Reyn, It'll do, I'll be right here... Hey kid, What 's your name? asked Gadolt. Reyn said Reyn.

Do me a favour, Reyn. Take care of Sharla said Gadolt as Reyn nod and headed to the transporter with Sharla follow him, So all good guys I said. We are all good said Reyn as we entered the transporter.


I saw them walk in the transporter and look at Gadolt, poor thing... Egil did capture him and turn him into a face unit. Then I looked outside and saw allied force gaining ground and pushing the Mechon back.

Soon i will join in and help y/n and his friend i said as I am continuing watching from a far.

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