Chapter 6

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It was a day before they departed to Cloud Recesses and after the Jiangs finished their dinner, Madam Yu called for their attention.

"Since you are going to Cloud Recesses tomorrow to study, I want you to keep this in mind, take care of each other, and do your best

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"Since you are going to Cloud Recesses tomorrow to study, I want you to keep this in mind, take care of each other, and do your best. A-cheng, A-li, please make sure to bring my baobei home in one peace and don't let her get in trouble, Qiren is a stickler for rules." Said Madam Yu as she patted Jiang Ying's head and hugged her, her eldest children and her husband soon joined the hug.

After the blissful family bonding, they each retired to their chambers.

"I'm too anxious, I can't wait to see Hanguang Jun's reaction, Lan-er-furen is so beautiful she could pass as a Goddess." Said the Wangxian shippers.

'I hope I find you pretty gege, will you still be able to remember me?' Jiang Ying thought as she drifted to a peaceful sleep.

"Are you going to kiss me or are you going to just stand there gawking," asked Wuxian as she was in her inner robes and dripping wet, her silver hair glistening in the sunlight and her bangs stuck to her face. The way her robes were clinging and hogging her body and out-lining her curves, waist, and perky subtle breast, she looked like a succubus fresh out of the demon realm here to lure man into her clutches.

"EEK-!! OMG, ALL YOU KIDS COVER YOUR EYES....NYX STOP PLAYING THE VIDEO!!" Screeched Lan Ying, startled by what they saw, the kids did not need to be told as they had already covered their eyes and ears, blushing profusely.

Sorry, here I'll help *Puts blindfolds and headphones on all the juniors *, I can't stop the video but at least all the kids are taken care of. The rest will have to watch or turn away I guess...

"Not helping at all!" Shouted a blushing Lan Ying as he hid his face in his husband's chest who had been glaring at everyone to stop watching his beloved almost naked.

"Yeah, I think I might, the view from here is amazing." Said a deep baritone voice that sent tingly shivers down Wuxian's spine delightfully, from one look you can tell that this man was a sight to behold. "But if you want me to ravish you then I have no problem." Said the voice as the said person walked closer to her, Wuxian was swimming earlier hence her appearance.

Lan Ying, "You- Lan Zhan tell her to stop or I'll die of embarrassment!!"

The said Lan did not need to talk as he was already releasing a murderous aura that most of the people still able to watch were suffocating from.

Okay, only you two will be able to see, as I'll blindfold the remaining ones.

No one had any objections as they all had figured that the said man was the younger jade and some were just not ready to see their siblings/friend/son- well in this case daughter's bedroom life and habits, they'd be scarred for life.

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