Chapter 13

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I suck at writing fight scenes, tried a couple of times to make out some but they always ended up a bit awkward for my liking so I used a fight scene I liked from RESTART. So i am sending a shout out to the Author.



"Er-gege, come I want to talk to you." Said Lan Ying as he stood up and cleared his plate, they were currently having dinner with their fellow "roommates"(They all shared a room together so they can be considered roommates right?), Lan Wangji hummed a reply and got up as well.
Lan Ying led his unsuspecting husband to the restroom, as soon as they got into a stall, he pushed the said husband down on the closed toilet seat and straddling his lap.

"Er-gege, its been so long since I felt you inside me and I feel needy today, do something about it!" He whined flirtatiously into his husband's ear as he nibbled on it, he trailed kissed down WangJi’s neck as his hands worked out his sash belt, loosening it so he can part his robes. Wangji was so caught of guard that Ying’s hands on his skin sent shivers down his spine and to his 😏😏. He gently gripped Ying's face and kissed him, they had a make out session, things got serious as Wangji parted Ying's robes.
"Er-gege do something quickly, I can't hold on anymore." He breathed out.
Wangji kissed Ying's neck as he removed his robes, leaving marks all over his upper body, when satisfied with his creation, Wangji removed Ying of his lap and turned him around so that Ying’s ass was facing him. He removed his trousers and kissed both cheeks(😌😌) before spreading them to reveal his husband's glorious hole, as he was about to pleasure him there came a knock at the door.

""Ummm... Hello!" Said Nyx as she cleared her throat.

Both Wangji and Ying froze, remembering where they where they both flushed red. Ying quickly pulled his trousers up as he turned to face his husband. Wangji sat there admiring his beautiful husband, not the least bothered by the intruder. He lazily stood up from the seat and helped his adorable husband to get dressed. After making sure they looked decent, they got out of the stall and opened the rest room door.

""I know I am intruding but I don't think this place is private enough to commerce your...... "activities", rather.... after today's viewing, I give you guys some privacy okay, you both are needed. Chop Chop!!" Said Nyx professionally, as if she didn't know what they where doing inside, but in her head she was squealing with delight like a true fan girl should.

Lan Ying, "Ofcourse!! Please lead the way." He said intusiastically as he tucked on his husband's sleeve, Nyx's physical form lead them back to the reaction room and dissapeared before they entered.
"Senior Wei and HanGuangJun are back!!" Exclaimed Zizhen as he went to sit next to his friends, the blush on Lan Ying proved they were up to no good but they all ignored it.

Alright everyone.... let's get back into it!!!


After the group's performance, the remaining 12 where paired off as follows:
Wuxian vs Zixuan;
Wanyin vs Wen Xu;
Yanli vs Huaisang;
Su Shit vs Wen Ning;
Lou Xinmeng vs Wen Qing; Zixun vs Nie Xing;
Mianmian vs Lan Ling.

Huaisang, "Aaaww! No fair, I'm gonna loose straight away, why would they pair me up with someone stronger than me!!" He whined but instantly shut up as his brother glared at him.

The room was filled with laughter as they all settled in to enjoy the fights that where set up. They all appreciated Lan Qiren as he really knew how to set up a match. He matched all their strong and weak points and set them with individuals that where on par with them. True sportsmanship!!

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